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The Literature of Telemedicine: A Bibliometric Study


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A specialized body of telemedicine/telehealth literature has developed in recent years, fueled by research and the development of telemedicine as a field of study. This bibliometric study examines the publishing and citing patterns of telemedicine literature indexed by the Telemedicine Information Exchange (TIE), an online database maintained by the Telemedicine Research Center (TRC) with major support from the National Library of Medicine. Citation counts in the TIE bibliographic database trace the growth and development of telemedicine literature and identify the most prolific authors. Citation counts in SciSearch® cited reference science database indicate the most cited telemedicine journals and authors and are used to compute journal impact factors. Seventy percent of the tele-medicine literature was published since 1995; 86 percent was published since 1990. Core telemedicine journals, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare and Telemedicine Journal, are peer-reviewed, research-oriented, highly cited in SCI®, and have a high Journal Impact Factor. The most prolific authors are not necessarily the most cited (only 30 percent of top ten most prolific telemedicine authors are also among the top ten most cited in SCI).
机译:近年来,在远程医学研究领域的研究和发展的推动下,远程医学/远程医疗文献专门机构得到了发展。这项文献计量研究研究了由远程医疗信息交换(TIE)索引的远程医疗文献的出版和引用方式,该信息是由远程医疗研究中心(TRC)在国家医学图书馆的大力支持下维护的在线数据库。 TIE书目数据库中的引文计数跟踪远程医疗文献的增长和发展,并确定最有能力的作者。 SciSearch®引用的参考科学数据库中的引文计数表明引用次数最多的远程医学期刊和作者,并用于计算期刊影响因子。自1995年以来,已经出版了70%的远程医学文献。自1990年以来,已出版了86%的内容。核心远程医学期刊,《远程医学与远程医疗杂志》和《远程医学期刊》经过同行评审,以研究为导向,在SCI®中得到高度引用,并且具有较高的期刊影响因子。最多产的作者不一定是被引用最多的作者(在前十名最有产的远程医疗作者中,只有30%的人也是SCI上被引用最多的前十名之一)。



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