首页> 外文期刊>Schizophrenia Bulletin >Psychoeducation in Schizophrenia—Results of a Survey of All Psychiatric Institutions in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Psychoeducation in Schizophrenia—Results of a Survey of All Psychiatric Institutions in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland


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Introduction: Psychoeducation can reduce rehospitalization rates and mental health costs in schizophrenia. The aims of this study were to investigate the percentage of patients and family members participating in psychoeducation in the year 2003 and to evaluate how psychoeducation was conducted. Methods: Part I of a 2-part postal survey was sent to the heads of all psychiatric institutions in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland; part II was sent directly to the moderators of psychoeducational groups. Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Psychoeducation was offered in 86% of the responding institutions and in 84% of these for schizophrenia (response quotas: part I, 54%; part II, 55%). A mean of 21% of the patients with schizophrenia and 2% of their family members had taken part in psychoeducation in the responding institutions in the year 2003. Discussion: Many readmissions and thus significant costs to the health system and substantial human suffering could be avoided if more patients and their family members participated in psychoeducation. New approaches to offering more psychoeducation would consist in integration of the entire psychiatric team into psychoeducation and peer-to-peer strategies.
机译:简介:心理教育可以降低精神分裂症患者的再住院率和心理健康成本。这项研究的目的是调查2003年参加心理教育的患者和家庭成员的百分比,并评估进行心理教育的方式。方法:将邮政调查分为两部分的第一部分发送给德国,奥地利和瑞士的所有精神病学机构的负责人;第二部分直接寄给了心理教育团体的主持人。使用描述性统计分析回应。结果:86%的应对机构和84%的精神分裂症患者接受了心理教育(响应配额:第一部分,占54%;第二部分,占55%)。 2003年,平均有21%的精神分裂症患者和2%的家庭成员参加了应对机构的心理教育。讨论:可以避免许多再入院,从而避免了医疗系统的再住院和大量人类痛苦。是否有更多患者及其家人参加了心理教育。提供更多心理教育的新方法将包括将整个精神科团队整合到心理教育和对等策略中。



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