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Operation Pedestal August 1942


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By first light on the fourteenth the only two merchant ships still afloat and not yet entered into Valetta's Grand Harbour were the freighter Brisbane Star and the tanker Ohio. The Brisbane Star, damaged by a torpedo during the evening of the twelfth, had been unable to keep up with the main convoy, and completely unescorted, her master Captain Riley had decided to chart his own course down the coast of Tunisia. On the thirteenth they spotted a U-boat whilst in the Gulf of Hammamet. This was successfully evaded after many hours of clever navigation through a series of off-shore shallows, whilst always remaining within Vichy French territorial waters. In the evening a Vichy patrol boat came out to meet them and this put a shot across the ship's bows.Two officers came on board, but Captain Riley talked his way out of trouble, and incredibly the ship was allowed to continue. In the early hours of the fourteenth the Axis renewed their attempts to find the ship, and at possibly around 06.30 she was approached by S.79s of 30 Gruppo BT, it seems engaged on armed reconnaissance, at least two of them from 56 Squadriglia plus possibly other elements out from Sciacca, Sicily. By now however the ship was within range of Malta's Beaufighters. An S.79 was shot down by a Beaufighterfrom 235 Squadron and another was lost whilst landing on Pantellaria. Later, probably also during the morning, Brisbane Star was reported to have been bombed by three Cant Z1007bis from 29 Gruppo BT, 63 Squadriglia from Chinisia Sicily, but without result. Already benefiting from Beaufighter escort, Brisbane Star was soon able to obtain both Spitfire and Naval escort, and the ship put safely into Valetta without further mishap later that day.
机译:到了第十四天,只有两艘仍在漂浮但尚未进入瓦莱塔大港的商船是布里斯班星号货轮和俄亥俄号油轮。布里斯班之星在第十二个晚上被鱼雷击中,无法跟上主要车队的步伐,而且完全没有护送,她的船长赖利船长决定在突尼斯沿海地区规划自己的航向。 13日,他们在哈马马特湾发现了一艘U型船。经过数小时的巧妙导航,成功避开了一系列离岸浅水区,同时始终留在维希法国领海内。傍晚,一艘维希(Vichy)巡逻艇出来迎接他们,船上的船首被一枪击中,两名警官登上船,但赖利船长说出了自己的出路,令人难以置信的是,这艘船被允许继续航行。在十四世纪初,轴心国重新尝试寻找这艘船,大约在06.30时,她被30 Gruppo BT的S.79军接近,似乎进行了武装侦察,其中至少有两个来自56 Squadriglia plus可能还有来自西西里岛夏卡的其他元素。然而,到目前为止,这艘船已经在马耳他的博福特战斗机范围内。一架S.79被第235中队的波弗战斗机击落,另一架在登陆Pantellaria时失踪。后来,大概也是在早晨,据报道,布里斯班之星被三架来自29 Gruppo BT的Cant Z1007bis,来自Chinisia Sicily的Squadriglia轰炸,但没有结果。布里斯班之星已经受益于Beaufighter的护航,很快就可以同时获得了喷火和海军护航,并且当天晚些时候,这艘船安全地驶入了瓦莱塔。



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