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Regulating Chemicals—From Risks to Riskiness


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Under current European Union legislation, action to restrict the production and use of a chemical is only justified if there is evidence that the chemical poses a risk to human health or the environment. Risk is understood as being a matter of the magnitude and probability of specifiable harms. An examination of how risks from chemicals are assessed shows the process to be fraught with uncertainty, with the result that evidence that commands agreement as to whether a chemical poses a risk or not is often not available. Hence the frequent disputes as to whether restrictions on chemicals are justified. Rather than trying to assess the risks from a chemical, I suggest that we should aim to assess how risky a chemical is in a more everyday sense, where riskiness is a matter of the possibility of harm. Risky chemicals are those where, given our state of knowledge, it is possible that they cause harm. I discuss four things that make a chemical more risky: (1) its capacity to cause harm; (2) its novelty; (3) its persistence; and (4) its mobility. Regulation of chemicals should aim to reduce the production and use of risky chemicals by requiring that the least risky substance or method is always used for any particular purpose. Any use of risky substances should be justifiable in terms of the public benefits of that use.
机译:根据当前的欧盟立法,只有在有证据表明该化学品对人类健康或环境构成威胁的情况下,才有理由采取行动限制化学品的生产和使用。风险被理解为是特定危害程度和可能性的问题。对化学品风险评估方法的检查表明,该过程充满不确定性,结果通常无法获得就化学品是否构成风险达成共识的证据。因此,关于限制化学品是否合理的争执频繁。我建议不要试图评估某种化学品带来的风险,而应该着眼于从更日常的角度评估某种化学品的风险,因为这种风险是一种可能造成伤害的问题。根据我们的知识水平,危险化学品是指可能造成伤害的化学品。我讨论了使化学品更具风险的四件事:(1)造成伤害的能力; (2)新颖性; (3)其持久性; (4)流动性。化学品监管应通过要求始终将风险最低的物质或方法始终用于任何特定目的,以减少风险化学品的生产和使用。就危险用途的公共利益而言,任何使用均应合理。



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