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Pathological obstacles of newly-introduced fish species in Mediterranean mariculture: a review


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Species diversification has been extensively employed in Mediterranean mariculture industry as a tool to relief the crisis resulting from market saturation and overproduction of the two main representatives, sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Numerous new promising candidates belonging to several fish families such as Sparidae, Polyprionidae, Serranidae, Sciaenidae, Soleidae, Carangidae and Scombridae have been introduced to provide alternative culture choices in Mediterranean. The farming potential of these species in production scale has received some or little success partly due to the fact that their entrance has not been accompanied without the presence of considerable pathological problems. Bacterial outbreaks causing serious problems have been mainly induced by Photobacterium damsella subsp. piscicida, Vibrio alginolyticus, V. harveyi, Tenacibaculum maritimum and Flavobacterium sp. Detrimental parasitic pathogens included the myxosporean Enteromyxum leei, the ciliates Cryptocaryon irritans and Uronema spp., the flagellate Amyloodinium occelatum, the monogenean Zeuxapta seriolae and the digeneans Paradeontacylix-like spp. Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy infections and the chlamydia-like bacteria causing Epitheliocystis disease are also of significance importance. Numerous other agents of lesser pathogenic significance as well as other occasionally recorded pathogens are also mentioned in this review. Additional research effort has to be devoted to the pathogenesis of important pathogens and the interactions with their hosts to assist the viability of new fish species farming in Mediterranean region. Keywords Pathology - New species - Mediterranean - Aquaculture
机译:物种多样化已被广泛用于地中海海水养殖业,作为缓解由于市场饱和和海鲈(Dicentrarchus labrax)和金头鲷(Sparus aurata)这两个主要代表的生产过剩而引起的危机的工具。已经引进了许多新的有前途的候选物,它们属于Sparidae,Polyprionidae,Serranidae,Sciaenidae,Soleidae,Carangidae和Scombridae等几种鱼类,为地中海提供了不同的养殖选择。这些物种在生产规模上的耕作潜力获得了一些或几乎没有成功,部分原因是没有没有严重的病理学问题就没有伴随它们的进入。引起严重问题的细菌暴发主要是由达曼氏杆菌亚种引起的。 piscicida,解藻弧菌,哈氏弧菌,海生Tenacibaculum和黄杆菌。有害的寄生性病原体包括粘孢子虫肠粘菌,纤毛虫隐孢子虫和Uronema spp。,鞭毛的Amyloodinium occelatum,单属的Zeuxapta seriolae和双属的Paradeontacylix样菌。病毒性脑病和视网膜病感染以及引起上皮囊虫病的衣原体样细菌也具有重要意义。在这篇综述中还提到了许多其他的病原学意义较小的病原体,以及其他偶尔记录的病原体。必须对重要病原体的发病机理及其与宿主的相互作用进行额外的研究工作,以协助地中海地区新型鱼类养殖的生存。病理-新物种-地中海-水产养殖



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