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Review of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: an evidence-based approach to diagnosis and management by clinicians


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This review was written from the viewpoint of the treating clinician to educate health care professionals and the public about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). It includes: the clinical definition of ME/CFS with emphasis on how to diagnose ME/CFS; the etiology, pathophysiology, management approach, long-term prognosis and economic cost of ME/ CFS. After reading this review, you will be better able to diagnose and treat your patients with ME/CFS using the tools and information provided. Myalgic encephalomy-elitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex, chronic medical condition characterized by symptom clusters that include: pathological fatigue and malaise that is worse after exertion, cognitive dysfunction, immune dysfunction, unrefreshing sleep, pain, autonomic dysfunction, neuroendocrine and immune symptoms. ME/ CFS is common, often severely disabling and costly. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) reviewed the ME/CFS literature and estimates that between 836,000 and 2.5 million Americans have ME/CFS at a cost of between 17 and 24 billion dollars annually in the US. The IOM suggested a new name for ME/CFS and called it Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID). SEID's diagnostic criteria are less specific and do not exclude psychiatric disorders in the criteria. The 2010 Canadian Community Health Survey discovered that 29% of patients with ME/CFS had unmet health care needs and 20% had food insecurity - lack of access to sufficient healthy foods. ME/CFS can be severely disabling and cause patients to be bedridden. Yet most patients (80%) struggle to get a diagnosis because doctors have not been taught how to diagnose or treat ME/ CFS in medical schools or in their post-graduate educational training. Consequently, the patients with ME/CFS suffer. They are not diagnosed with ME/CFS and are not treated accordingly. Instead of compassionate care from their doctors, they are often ridiculed by the very people from whom they seek help. The precise etiology of ME/CFS remains unknown, but recent advances and research discoveries are beginning to shed light on the enigma of this disease including the following contributors: infectious, genetic, immune, cognitive including sleep, metabolic and biochemical abnormalities. Management of patients with ME/CFS is supportive symptomatic treatment with a patient centered care approach that begins with the symptoms that are most troublesome for the patient. Pacing of activities with strategic rest periods is, in our opinion, the most important coping strategy patients can learn to better manage their illness and stop their post-exertional fatigue and malaise. Pacing allows patients to regain the ability to plan activities and begin to make slow incremental improvements in functionality.
机译:这篇评论是从治疗的临床医生的角度撰写的,目的是教育医疗保健专业人员和公众有关肌性脑脊髓炎/慢性疲劳综合症(ME / CFS)。它包括:ME / CFS的临床定义,重点在于如何诊断ME / CFS; ME / CFS的病因,病理生理,管理方法,长期预后和经济成本。阅读此评论后,您将能够使用提供的工具和信息更好地诊断和治疗ME / CFS患者。肌病性脑脊髓炎/慢性疲劳综合症(ME / CFS)是一种复杂的慢性医学疾病,其症状群包括:劳累后病理性疲劳和不适加剧,认知功能障碍,免疫功能障碍,不清醒的睡眠,疼痛,自主神经功能障碍,神经内分泌和免疫症状。 ME / CFS很常见,通常会严重瘫痪并且成本很高。医学研究所(IOM)审查了ME / CFS文献,估计在美国,有836,000至250万美国人患有ME / CFS,每年花费在17至240亿美元之间。 IOM为ME / CFS建议了一个新名称,并将其称为系统性运动耐力障碍疾病(SEID)。 SEID的诊断标准不太明确,在标准中未排除精神疾病。 2010年加拿大社区健康调查发现,ME / CFS患者中有29%的患者的医疗保健需求未得到满足,而20%的患者的粮食不安全-无法获得足够的健康食品。 ME / CFS可能会严重致残并导致患者卧床不起。然而,大多数患者(80%)难以获得诊断,因为在医学院或他们的研究生教育培训中没有教会医生如何诊断或治疗ME / CFS。因此,ME / CFS患者遭受痛苦。他们没有被诊断出患有ME / CFS,也没有得到相应的治疗。他们没有得到医生的富有同情心的照顾,而是常常被寻求帮助的人们嘲笑。 ME / CFS的确切病因仍然未知,但是最近的进展和研究发现开始揭示这种疾病的谜团,包括以下原因:传染性,遗传性,免疫性,认知性(包括睡眠),代谢和生化异常。 ME / CFS患者的治疗是一种以患者为中心的护理方法,即对症支持治疗,治疗始于对患者最麻烦的症状。在我们看来,以战略性休息时间来安排活动的节奏是最重要的应对策略,患者可以学会更好地管理疾病并停止运动后的疲劳和不适。起搏可使患者恢复计划活动的能力,并开始缓慢地逐步改进功能。



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