首页> 外文期刊>The review of financial studies >Banks' Incentives and Inconsistent Risk Models

Banks' Incentives and Inconsistent Risk Models


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This paper investigates banks’ incentive to bias the risk estimates they report to regulators. Within loan syndicates, we find that banks with less capital report lower risk estimates. Consistent with an effort to mitigate capital requirements, the sensitivity to capital is robust to bank fixed effects and greater for large, risky, and opaque credits. Also, low-capital banks’ risk estimates have less explanatory power than those of high-capital banks with regard to loan prices, indicating that their estimates incorporate less information. Our results suggest banks underreport risk in response to capital constraints and highlight the perils of regulation premised on self-reporting.Received September 21, 2016; editorial decision September 18, 2017 by Editor Philip Strahan. Authors have furnished an Internet Appendix, which is available on the Oxford University Press Web Site next to the link to the final published paper online.
机译:本文研究了银行激励他们向监管机构报告的风险估计的偏向。在贷款集团中,我们发现资本较少的银行报告的风险估计较低。与减轻资本要求的努力一致,对资本的敏感性对于银行固定效应具有鲁棒性,而对于大量,有风险和不透明的信贷则具有更高的敏感性。此外,在贷款价格方面,低资本银行的风险估计没有高资本银行的解释力,这表明它们的估计包含较少的信息。我们的结果表明,银行因应资本约束而低估了风险,并强调了以自我报告为前提的监管风险。编辑决定Philip Strahan于2017年9月18日作出决定。作者提供了一个Internet附录,该附录可以在牛津大学出版社的网站上找到,也可以在线链接到最终发表的论文。



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