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A comparison of plant communities in restored, old field, and remnant coastal prairies


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Temperate grasslands are experiencing worldwide declines due to habitat conversion. Grassland restoration efforts are employed to compensate for these losses. However, there is a need to better understand the ecological effects of grassland restoration and management practices. We investigated the effects of three different grassland management regimes on plant communities of coastal prairie ecosystems in southwest Louisiana (the United States). We compared old fields, prairie remnants, and restored prairies. Coastal prairies are a unique type of grassland historically present across southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana. Old fields represent former coastal prairie habitats allowed to revegetate naturally without active management. Remnant coastal prairies are small, isolated patches of comparatively intact prairie. Restored coastal prairies have been actively restored by planting native coastal prairie vegetation and managed with prescribed burning, mowing, and/or removal of invasive non-native species. Our work was conducted in three old fields, four remnants, and four restored prairies. Old fields were dominated by non-native species with low conservation value, whereas remnant prairies were dominated by native species with high conservation value. Remnants had a mean species richness of 75 species per site, which is higher than most other tallgrass prairie ecosystems in North America. Restored sites were dominated by native species with high conservation value, although the composition differed between restored and remnant sites. Collectively, our results: (1) reinforce the importance of identifying and preserving remnant coastal prairies; and (2) show that restoration of degraded coastal prairies is a viable strategy for supporting the persistence of these unique grassland ecosystems.
机译:由于栖息地转换,温带草原正在经历全世界的歧视。使用草原恢复努力来弥补这些损失。然而,需要更好地了解草原恢复和管理实践的生态影响。我们调查了三种不同的草地管理制度对路易斯安那州(美国)沿海大草原生态系统植物群落的影响。我们比较了旧领域,大草原残余,并恢复了大草原。沿海大草原是一种独特的草原,历史悠久的草原,遍布德克萨斯州东南部和路易斯安那州西南部。旧领域代表前沿海大草原栖息地允许自然地重新植物,没有积极的管理。残余的沿海大草原是小,孤立的斑块相对完整的草原。通过种植原生沿海大草原植被并用规定的燃烧,割草和/或去除侵袭性非原生物种来积极恢复恢复的沿海大草原。我们的作品是在三个旧领域进行的,四个残余物和四个恢复的大草原。旧领域由具有低保存价值的非本地物种主导,而残余的大草原是由具有高保护价值的天然物种主导。残余物的平均物种每场平均物种为75种,比大多数其他北美的Tallgrass草原生态系统高。恢复的网站由具有高保护价值的天然物种主导,尽管组成在恢复和残余地点之间不同。统称,我们的结果:(1)加强识别和保持残余沿海大草原的重要性; (2)表明,恢复沿海大草原的恢复是支持这些独特的草原生态系统的持久性的可行策略。




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