首页> 外文期刊>Restoration ecology >Nutrient Mineralization and Leaf Litter Preference by the Earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus on Iron Ore Mine Wastes

Nutrient Mineralization and Leaf Litter Preference by the Earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus on Iron Ore Mine Wastes

机译:PontPontoscolex corethrurus对铁矿石废料的养分矿化和叶片凋落物的偏好

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The effects of the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Muller) on the rate of mineralization of cattle dung-amended iron (Fe~(2+)) ore mine wastes and its preference for partially decomposed leaf litter with contrasting chemical composition were studied in pot trials. The growth and survival rates of earthworms showed significant positive correlations with percent of organic matter. During 96 days of exposure, the earthworms significantly increased exchangeable Ca~(2+), Mg~(2+), PO_4~(3-) and NH_4-N. Iron ore mine wastes amended with 5-10% organic matter supported earthworm fauna better than mine wastes amended with 0-3% organic matter. The leaf litter preference shown by the earthworm was, in descending order, Phyllanthus rericulatus, Tamarindus indica, Anacardium occidentale, Casuarina equisetifolia, Acacia auriculiformis, and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. A significant positive correlation was observed between the survival and growth rates of earthworms and the nutrient contents of partially decomposed leaf litter. The first three plant species were significantly richer in nutrients, mainly organic carbon, calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, than the other two plant species. Acacia auriculiformis and E. camaldulensis litter were preferred less because of their high lignin and polyphenolic compounds, despite being rich in other macronutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. It is concluded that the introduction of P. corethrurus to cattle dung-amended (5-10%) iron ore mine wastes or revegetation of the sites with P. reticulatus, T. indica, and A. occidentale plant species should be attempted before earthworm introduction. The litter from these species acts as a source of food for earthworms, thereby hastening the process of restoration of abandoned iron ore mines of Goa, India.
机译:在盆栽试验中研究了PontPontoscolex corethrurus(Muller)对牛粪修饰的铁(Fe〜(2+))矿山废料矿化速率的影响及其对化学成分相反的部分腐烂垃圾的偏好。 worm的生长和存活率与有机质百分比呈显着正相关。在暴露的96天中,significantly显着增加了可交换的Ca〜(2 +),Mg〜(2 +),PO_4〜(3-)和NH_4-N。用5-10%有机物修正的铁矿石矿山废弃物比用0-3%有机物修正的矿山废弃物更好地支持了better类动物。 shown显示的落叶凋落物的优先级降序依次为:Phyllanthus rericulatus,Tamarindus indica,Anacardium occidentale,木麻黄木麻,Acacia auriculiformis和Eucalyptus camaldulensis。 the的存活率和生长速率与部分分解的凋落物的养分含量之间存在显着的正相关。前三种植物比其他两种植物营养丰富,主要是有机碳,钙,磷和氮。尽管金合欢和E. camaldulensis的木质素和多酚类化合物含量较高,但它们富含其他大量营养素,例如氮和磷,因此较不受欢迎。结论是,在before之前,应尝试将牛膝粪(5%-10%)引入铁屑矿铁废料中,或用网状疟原虫,印度腥黑穗病菌和西方拟南芥植物种再植。介绍。来自这些物种的垃圾作为earth的食物来源,从而加快了印度果阿废弃铁矿石矿山的恢复过程。



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