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Avian Use of Restoration Plantings along a Creek Linking Rainforest Patches on the Atherton Tablelands, North Queensland


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Rainforest fragmentation and creek degradation are major problems on the Atherton Tablelands in North Queensland. Lake Barrine and Wooroonooran National Parks are separated by a 1.5-km length of Toohey's Creek which has been cleared except for small remnant rainforest patches. The creek has been fenced and replanted to create a corridor between the two national parks. The aim of this study was to monitor the success of the corridor in providing habitat for rainforest birds. Avian communities were monitored in the corridor and in adjacent rainforest sites using point counts over the period of reestablishment of a continuous rainforest canopy. In terms of bird community composition, within 3 years of planting, the replanted sites were on a trajectory toward the rainforest sites. Although specialist rainforest species were not yet found in the plantings, after 3 years those species which mainly inhabit rainforest but also utilize edges and riparian strips were found in similar numbers in the plantings and in the small remnant patches along the corridor. Fru-givorous species were quite abundant even in the youngest plantings. Thus, replanting of rainforest trees along Toohey's Creek has begun to provide habitat for some rainforest birds. It also shows good potential to act as a corridor to connect the previously isolated patches of rainforest for these species and to develop in habitat complexity as the frugivorous birds bring in rainforest plant species from nearby areas.
机译:雨林的破碎和小溪退化是北昆士兰州阿瑟顿高原的主要问题。 Barrine湖国家公园和Wooroonooran国家公园被Toohey's Creek的1.5公里长隔开,除了小片的残留雨林地带,Toohey's Creek已被清除。小河已被围起来并重新种植,以在两个国家公园之间建立一条走廊。这项研究的目的是监测走廊在为雨林鸟类提供栖息地方面的成功。在连续的雨林冠层重建期间,使用点数对走廊和相邻雨林地点的鸟类群落进行了监测。在鸟类群落组成方面,在种植后的三年内,重新种植的地点位于朝向雨林地点的轨迹上。尽管在种植园中尚未发现专门的雨林物种,但三年后,在种植园和沿走廊的小片残余土地上发现了主要栖息于热带雨林但也利用边缘和河岸带的物种。即使在最年轻的种植园中,果食性物种也相当丰富。因此,沿着Toohey's Creek种植雨林树木已开始为某些雨林鸟类提供栖息地。它还表现出很好的潜力,可以作为走廊连接这些物种先前孤立的雨林地带,并随着食肉鸟从附近地区引进雨林植物物种而在栖息地复杂性方面发展。



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