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HHW collection is no longer an isolated event


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From drop-off to curbside, household hazardous waste collection is becoming an integral component of comprehensive recycling and waste management programs. David Galvin is an unassuming man. He speaks in measured tones, but he speaks with authority. Galvin initiated the program that collects and safely manages household hazardous wastes (HHW) for King County, Washington, arguably the most comprehensive and effective program of its type in the nation. King County serves 1.6 million residents in the greater Seattle area, taking in more than 1,400 tons of hazardous chemical waste each year at fixed and mobile drop-off collection facilities, and more than 1,500 additional tons of used motor oil. But waste collection is only part of the story. King County conducts a sophisticated education program that emphasizes waste prevention, trains "Green Gardeners," reaches out to thousands of students in the public schools, and offers both compliance assistance and small business waste collection.
机译:从下放到路边,家庭危险废物收集已成为全面回收和废物管理计划的组成部分。大卫·加尔文(David Galvin)谦虚。他说话语调柔和,但说话有权威。高尔文发起了一项为华盛顿州金县收集和安全管理家庭危险废物(HHW)的计划,这可以说是美国同类中最全面,最有效的计划。金县为大西雅图地区的160万居民提供服务,每年在固定和移动式下车收集设施中吸收1,400吨以上的危险化学废料,以及1,500吨以上的废旧机油。但是废物收集只是故事的一部分。金县开展了一项注重废物预防的复杂教育计划,培训了“绿色园丁”,在公立学校中接触了成千上万的学生,并提供合规援助和小企业废物收集。



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