首页> 外文期刊>Research policy >The economic effects of basic research: evidence for embodied knowledge transfer via scientists' migration

The economic effects of basic research: evidence for embodied knowledge transfer via scientists' migration


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The paper argues that a substantial proportion of the wider economic benefits to society from publicly-funded basic research is associated with scientists' migration into the commercial sector of the innovation system. Rejecting a reduction of the research process to the propositional knowledge it produces, a set of hypotheses on the value of different types of knowledge is derived. The hypotheses are tested with empirical data obtained from scientists formerly employed by the Max Planck Society (MPS), one of the main organisations for basic research in the German innovation system. Findings indicate that rather than applying latest theoretical insights, scientists mainly transfer elements of knowledge that underlie complex problem-solving strategies in basic research.
机译:该论文认为,公共资助的基础研究为社会带来的更广泛的经济利益中,很大一部分与科学家向创新系统商业领域的迁移有关。拒绝将研究过程简化为它所产生的命题知识,就可以得出一系列关于不同类型知识价值的假设。假设是根据从Max Planck Society(MPS)以前聘用的科学家获得的经验数据进行检验的,该公司是德国创新体系基础研究的主要组织之一。研究结果表明,科学家们没有转移最新的理论见解,而是转移了基础研究中复杂的解决问题策略基础的知识要素。



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