首页> 外文期刊>Research journal of environmental and earth sciences >Application of Stabilization Pond Effluent Quality Parameters in Assessing Treatment Efficiency, Disposal Safety and Irrigation Suitability

Application of Stabilization Pond Effluent Quality Parameters in Assessing Treatment Efficiency, Disposal Safety and Irrigation Suitability


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Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of treated pond effluent and effluent-receiving stream water were assessed for their suitability for irrigation and effluent for discharge safety. The study was done at stabilization ponds in northern Zimbabwe. Monthly effluent and stream water samples were collected between May and October, 2011 from the 5th maturation pond outlet of a 2A-4F-5M stabilization pond system and at a point that was 4 km downstream. Overall pond treatment efficiency estimates were >89% with respect to BOD_5 TSS and faecal coliforms (FCs). Mean treated effluent parameters (22.18±1.64mg/L BOD_5, 17.00±1.19mg/L TSS and 37.33±2.99 cfu/100 mL FCs) were significantly lower (p<0.05) than safe surface disposal limits. Treated effluent and stream water were both non-saline (mean electrical conductivity: effluent = 779.50±37.79 μS/cm and stream water = 470.33±41.83 μS/cm) with a low sodium hazard (mean SAR: pond effluent = 1.71±0.06 and stream water = 1.08±0.10). Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) values were negative indicating safe water. Non-toxic levels of Cl~-and Na~+ were observed in stream water but slight restrictions for irrigation use were observed for the effluent. Effluent was slightly alkaline (pH 8.30±0.13) and safe. Stream water and effluent quality parameters were significantly different (p<0.05) except for FCs, CO_3~(2-), Cd~(2+), K~+, Pb~(2+) and PO_4~(3-). Treated effluent was suitable for both surface discharge and for irrigation. Strong relationships were observed between effluent parameters and also between stream water parameters. Treated effluent from Woodbrook waste stabilization ponds can periodically be used for irrigation. This may help to restore stream water quality with a view to public health protection and environmental preservation.
机译:评估了处理过的池塘废水和接收废水的水的理化和微生物参数对灌溉和废水安全性的适用性。该研究是在津巴布韦北部的稳定塘进行的。在2011年5月至10月之间,从2A-4F-5M稳定塘系统的第5个成熟塘出口处以及下游4 km处收集了每月的废水和溪流水样本。相对于BOD_5 TSS和粪便大肠菌群(FCs),总的池塘处理效率估计值> 89%。平均处理废水参数(22.18±1.64mg / L BOD_5、17.00±1.19mg / L TSS和37.33±2.99 cfu / 100 mL FC)显着低于安全表面处理限值(p <0.05)。处理后的废水和溪流水均为非盐水(平均电导率:污水= 779.50±37.79μS/ cm,溪水= 470.33±41.83μS/ cm),钠危害低(平均比吸收比:池塘污水= 1.71±0.06,且流水= 1.08±0.10)。残留碳酸钠(RSC)值为负,表明有安全用水。在溪流水中观察到Cl_-和Na〜+的无毒水平,但对废水的灌溉使用有一些限制。废水为弱碱性(pH 8.30±0.13),安全。除FCs,CO_3〜(2-),Cd〜(2 +),K〜+,Pb〜(2+)和PO_4〜(3-)外,溪水和出水水质参数差异显着(p <0.05)。处理后的废水既适合地表排放又适合灌溉。观察到废水参数之间以及溪流水参数之间的密切关系。伍德布鲁克废物稳定池处理过的废水可以定期用于灌溉。这可能有助于恢复溪流水质,以保护公众健康和环境保护。



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