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E-Content Firms Finding Ideal Selling Model Elusive


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The honeymoon is over. Toppling off the crest of me wave of high-tech mania, the so-called dot-com economy is in a nosedive that is taking stock prices down with it and sending burned investors into retreat. Where will it go from here? If nothing else, a shift in awareness is unfolding. "Content is king" meets "information wants to be free" - is that Internet-era thinking already old? The following article is the first of three that take a look at the evolving online content market, including delivery of traditional services in digital format over the Web and via e-mail or streaming media. Is there money to be made in the future as the online audience must be trained to deal with the reality in which the business world now finds itself? What once was "free " may now come at a price or not at all.
机译:蜜月结束了。在我掀起的高科技狂潮的浪潮中,所谓的.com经济陷入低谷,其股价随之下跌,并使疲倦的投资者撤退。它从哪里去?如果没有别的,意识的变化正在发生。 “内容为王”遇到“信息要免费”-互联网时代的思想已经古老了吗?下一篇文章是介绍不断发展的在线内容市场的三篇文章中的第一篇,其中包括通过Web以及通过电子邮件或流媒体以数字格式提供传统服务的过程。将来是否有赚钱的机会,因为必须培训在线受众以应对商业世界现在所处的现实?曾经“免费”的东西现在可能要付出代价,甚至根本不付出代价。



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