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Nonconventional renewable energy governance in Brazil: Lessons to learn from the German experience


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This paper presents a comparative analysis of energy governance regarding nonconventional renewable energy sources (NCRES) in Brazil and Germany. Brazil is a world leader in the use of conventional renewable energy sources, such as hydro power, while Germany has been achieving outstanding results in fostering NCRES. The focus is on two critical issues: the legal and regulatory framework and the institutions created to support the NCRES market development The comparison shows that, despite the very different energy situations and policy drivers, valuables lessons can be extracted from the German experience. The main lesson for Brazil is to think NCRES as a strategic opportunity to rely less on fossil fuel and large hydroelectric power plants, to decentralize the electric power sector, to use the huge solar, biomass and wind power potential available in the country and to create a environment-friendly NCRES industry. To this end, three critical points were identified: (1) the legal and regulatory framework should be improved; (2) long-term energy planning taking into account social, economic and climate issues and; (3) the current institutions supporting NCRES in Brazil should be upgraded and/or new ones, such as more specific energy agencies, should be created. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文对巴西和德国的非常规可再生能源(NCRES)的能源治理进行了比较分析。巴西在使用常规可再生能源(例如水力发电)方面处于世界领先地位,而德国在培育NCRES方面已经取得了杰出的成果。重点是两个关键问题:法律和法规框架以及为支持NCRES市场发展而创建的机构。比较显示,尽管能源形势和政策驱动因素截然不同,但可以从德国的经验中汲取宝贵的经验教训。巴西的主要经验教训是,将NCRES视为减少对化石燃料和大型水力发电厂的依赖,分散电力部门,利用该国可用的巨大太阳能,生物质能和风能潜力并创造机会的战略机遇环保的NCRES行业。为此,确定了三个关键点:(1)应当改善法律和监管框架; (2)考虑社会,经济和气候问题的长期能源规划;以及(3)应该升级支持巴西NCRES的当前机构和/或应该创建新机构,例如更具体的能源机构。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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