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The wind energy (r)evolution: A short review of a long history


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Although wind energy exploitation dates back five thousand years ago, contemporary societies are based almost exclusively on fossil fuels for covering their electrical energy needs. On the other hand, during the last thirty years, security of energy supply and environmental issues have reheated the interest for wind energy applications. In this context, the present work traces the long and difficult steps of wind energy development from the California era to the construction of huge offshore wind parks worldwide, highlighting the prospects and the main challenges of wind energy applications towards the target of 1000 GW of wind power by 2030.
机译:尽管风能开发可以追溯到五千年前,但现代社会几乎完全基于化石燃料来满足其电能需求。另一方面,在过去的30年中,能源供应的安全性和环境问题重新燃起了对风能应用的兴趣。在此背景下,本工作追溯了从加利福尼亚时代到在全球范围内建造大型海上风电场的漫长而艰难的风能开发步骤,突出了实现1000 GW风能目标的风能应用前景和主要挑战到2030年实现供电。



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