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EUROCONTROL—Systemic Occurrence Analysis Methodology (SOAM)—A 'Reason'-based organisational methodology for analysing incidents and accidents


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The Safety Occurrence Analysis Methodology (SOAM) developed for EUROCONTROL is an accident investigation methodology based on the Reason Model of organisational accidents. The purpose of a SOAM is to broaden the focus of an investigation from human involvement issues, also known as "active failures of operational personnel" under Reason's original model, to include analysis of the latent conditions deeper within the organisation that set the context for the event. Such an approach is consistent with the tenets of Just Culture in which people are encouraged to provide full and open information about how incidents occurred, and are not penalised for errors.A truly systemic approach is not simply a means of transferring responsibility for a safety occurrence from front-line employees to senior managers. A consistent philosophy must be applied, where the investigation process seeks to correct deficiencies wherever they may be found, without attempting to apportion blame or liability.
机译:为EUROCONTROL开发的安全事件分析方法(SOAM)是基于组织事故原因模型的事故调查方法。 SOAM的目的是扩大调查范围,从人为介入问题(在Reason的原始模型下也称为“操作人员的主动失败”)中进行调查,以包括对组织内部更深层次的潜在条件进行分析,从而为事件。这种方法与正义文化的宗旨是一致的,在这种文化中,人们被鼓励提供关于事件如何发生的完整而公开的信息,并且不会因错误而受到惩罚。真正的系统性方法并不只是转移安全事件责任的方法从一线员工到高级经理。在调查过程中寻求纠正可能存在的缺陷时,必须采用一致的哲学,而不要试图将责任归咎于责任。



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