首页> 外文期刊>Regional Environmental Change >Impact of land-use change on the water resources of the Upper Kharun Catchment, Chhattisgarh, India

Impact of land-use change on the water resources of the Upper Kharun Catchment, Chhattisgarh, India


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Reliable information on the water balance components today and their future changes is a prerequisite for foresightful and sustainable water management. Basically, these components are under the strong influence of land-use dynamics. The Upper Kharun Catchment (UKC) is a typical example featuring considerable population growth, expansion of urban areas, industrialization, and dynamic changes in irrigation practices (extension, intensification). This research combines the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and an advanced procedure for spatio-temporal land-use mapping that integrates the intra-annual variation within a single map and hence better represents an area with different levels of urbanization and multiple crop rotations. Due to its relevant impact on the water balance, special attention is paid to aspects of irrigation. The land-use map scenarios are prepared for 1991, 2001, 2011, and 2021. The study reveals that an increasing pumping rate of groundwater for irrigation is the main reason for decreasing the groundwater contribution to streamflow and subsequently a lowering in discharge and water yield. On the other hand, annual surface runoff has increased significantly by an expansion in built-up areas over the decades in the respective parts of the study area. On the UKC scale, the impact of land-use change on the water balance until 2021 is small. However, the impact on water resources is clearly visible and significant at sub-catchment level (increase: surface runoff; decrease: percolation; decrease: groundwater contribution to streamflow, and increase: actual evapotranspiration), where expanding urban areas and intensification of groundwater irrigated areas were observed and assessed as the major drivers. The results facilitate the introduction of best water and land-use management practices and conceiving of supportive infrastructure.
机译:有关当今和未来水平衡组成部分的可靠信息是有远见和可持续的水管理的前提。基本上,这些组成部分受土地利用动态的强烈影响。上卡隆集水区(UKC)是一个典型的例子,其人口数量大量增加,城市面积扩大,工业化以及灌溉方式的动态变化(扩展,集约化)。这项研究结合了土壤和水评估工具(SWAT)和用于时空土地利用制图的高级程序,该程序在一张地图中整合了年内变化,因此可以更好地代表具有不同城市化水平和多种作物轮作的地区。由于其对水平衡的影响,因此特别注意灌溉方面。土地使用图方案是针对1991、2001、2011和2021年准备的。研究表明,提高灌溉用水的抽水速度是减少地下水对水流的贡献并进而降低排水量和水产量的主要原因。 。另一方面,几十年来,研究区域各个部分的建成区面积不断扩大,年度地表径流量大大增加。在UKC规模上,直到2021年土地利用变化对水平衡的影响很小。但是,对水资源的影响清晰可见,并且在子汇水面积水平上很明显(增加:地表径流;减少:渗滤;减少:地下水对水流的贡献,而增加:实际蒸散量),那里的城市面积不断扩大,灌溉水的集约化观察和评估区域是主要驱动力。结果有助于引入最佳的水和土地使用管理方法,并构想支持性基础设施。



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