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Human dimensions of environmental change in small island developing states: some common themes


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Climate change and its consequence of sea level rise are major issues for small island developing states (SIDS), as they worsen many other pressures on their people and their environment. Accordingly, articles in this special issue of Regional Environmental Change on SIDS address research gaps in the following thematic areas of the human dimensions of climate change. (1) Islander perceptions of climate change and the information sources on which these are based. (2) Migration to richer countries, which dominates popular media articles, so that scholars from a wide range of disciplines have given their perspectives on it. For many SIDS, however, relocation within that country is much more of an issue, but little studied as yet. (3) Community-based adaptation, a theme which only rarely appears in peer-reviewed journals. (4) National, regional and international policies and the effectiveness of their implementation. (5) Social and cultural issues arising from the above. This paper provides an overview of these and some related themes of importance to SIDS, including ocean acidification and land degradation. Researchers based in the SIDS and regional organisations have an important role in recognising these issues and in developing the local skills base needed to deal with them. The Paris Agreement of 2015 is a positive (but as yet inadequate) step towards the international action on climate change that SIDS need.
机译:气候变化及其海平面上升的后果是小岛屿发展中国家(SIDS)的主要问题,因为它们加剧了对其人民和环境的许多其他压力。因此,本期《小岛屿发展中国家区域环境变化》特刊中的文章解决了以下人类气候变化主题领域的研究空白。 (1)岛民对气候变化的看法以及这些看法所基于的信息来源。 (2)移居到富裕国家,这些国家主导着流行的媒体文章,因此来自各个学科的学者对此发表了看法。但是,对于许多小岛屿发展中国家来说,在该国的搬迁问题更多,但至今尚未进行研究。 (3)基于社区的适应,这是一个很少出现在同行评审期刊中的主题。 (4)国家,地区和国际政策及其执行的有效性。 (5)由上述原因引起的社会文化问题。本文概述了对小岛屿发展中国家重要的这些主题和一些相关主题,包括海洋酸化和土地退化。小岛屿发展中国家和区域组织的研究人员在认识这些问题和发展处理这些问题所需的当地技能基础方面可发挥重要作用。 2015年《巴黎协定》是朝着小岛屿发展中国家所需要的国际气候变化行动迈出的积极(但仍不足)的步骤。



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