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Dictionary of Battles and Sieges: A Guide to 8,500 Battles from Antiquity through the Twenty-First Century


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Gilbert and Sullivan's Major-General Stanley could "quote from fights historical, from Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical": he had probably learnt them from Creasey's Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Had he been able to read this dictionary, he could have quoted 8,500 fights historical and contemporary, from Megiddo (supposed date 1468 BCE) to Tikrit (2003). This huge number of entries has dictated that every battle, large or small, is treated in the same short, standard format of about 80 words, showing the date and place of the battle, what war it belonged to, who commanded on both sides (if known), what was the cause of the battle, and what resulted from it. Thus, not far apart, the cataclysmic Battle of the Somme (1916) and the practically bloodless British reoccupation of South Georgia (1982) are treated equally. As the author explains, he has produced a dictionary and not an encyclopedia. By the same token, no maps are provided.
机译:吉尔伯特(Gilbert)和沙利文(Sullivan)的少将斯坦利(Stanley)可以“从历史上的战斗中引述,从马拉松到滑铁卢,以求直截了当”:他可能是从克雷西的《世界十五大决战》中学到的。如果他能够阅读这本词典,那么他本可以引述8500场历史和当代的斗争,从梅吉多(假定的日期是公元前1468年)到提克里特(2003年)。如此大量的条目表明,无论大小,每场战斗都将以相同的简短,标准的格式(大约80个单词)进行处理,以显示战斗的日期和地点,战斗所属的战争,双方的指挥( (如果知道的话),战斗的原因是什么,以及战斗的结果。因此,在不远处,索姆河的灾难性战斗(1916年)和英国对南乔治亚的几乎不流血的重新占领(1982年)受到同等对待。正如作者解释的那样,他制作的是字典,而不是百科全书。同样,没有提供地图。



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