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Historical Dictionary of the Sufi Culture of Sindh in Pakistan and India


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I had always assumed that Scarecrow Press (Rowman and Littlefield) had somehow acquired a monopoly on producing historical dictionaries of obscure minorities, but here, to my surprise, is Oxford University Press muscling in on their act. In fact, this dictionary appeared at almost exactly the same time as the second edition of the rather broader Historical Dictionary of Sufism (Renard, 2015) (also from the Scarecrow stable), the first edition of which was previously reviewed in these columns (RR 2006/127). The lengthy introduction to this book starts by quoting the title of What is Sufism? (Lings, 1975) saying "I have continued to feel that the apparently naive question asked by Martin Lings is still very acute, even though the answer will seem obvious to many". Rather to my annoyance, however, he does not answer the question. I am irritated by reference books that do not provide brief definitions of their own subjects. Doing so is particularly important when dealing with a topic as controversial, complex and obscure as Sufism. For those of us who are not among "the many", I will attempt a definition. Sufism is a collection of mystical practices and beliefs which have grown up within Islam. Some people claim that it is purely Islamic in origin and is inherent in Mohammed's teachings. It developed however at a time when the Arabs had just conquered parts of Asia Minor containing large numbers of Christian ascetics - followers of St Simon Stylites, etc., had come into contact with Persian religious ideas which fitted in with the developing Shia schism, and in our particular case, had started to invade India, coming into contact with Hindu and, especially, Buddhist thinkers. Sufi can therefore be regarded either as the pure essence of Islam, or as an esoteric set of practices within Islam, or as a heretical schism within Islam, or as a set of mystical practices partly influenced by other religions and beliefs. It might be noted that practically everything mentioned in this dictionary would be illegal in Saudi Arabia.
机译:我一直以为稻草人出版社(Rowman和Littlefield)以某种方式在制作不起眼的少数族裔历史词典方面获得了垄断,但令我惊讶的是,牛津大学出版社积极参与其中。实际上,这本词典的出版时间与更广泛的《苏非主义历史词典》(雷纳德,2015年)的第二版(同样来自稻草人马stable)几乎完全相同,该书的第一版此前已在这些专栏中进行过评论(RR 2006/127)。这本书的冗长介绍以引用“苏菲主义是什么? (Lings,1975)说:“我继续感到Martin Lings提出的看似天真的问题仍然很尖锐,尽管答案对许多人来说似乎是显而易见的”。但是,令我烦恼的是,他没有回答这个问题。我对没有提供自己主题简要定义的参考书感到恼火。在处理像苏菲派这样有争议,复杂和晦涩的话题时,这样做特别重要。对于那些不在“众多”之中的人,我将尝试一个定义。苏菲派是伊斯兰教中长大的一系列神秘实践和信仰的集合。有人声称它纯属伊斯兰教,是穆罕默德教义中固有的。但是,在阿拉伯人刚刚征服了包含大量基督教禁欲主义者的小亚细亚地区的时候,它发展了-圣西蒙·斯蒂尔派教徒等的追随者开始接触符合发展中的什叶派主义的波斯宗教思想,并且在我们的特殊情况下,它开始入侵印度,与印度教徒,尤其是佛教思想家接触。因此,苏菲可以被视为伊斯兰的纯净本质,或者被视为伊斯兰内部深奥的实践,或者被视为伊斯兰内部的异端分裂,或者被视为部分受其他宗教和信仰影响的神秘实践。可能需要指出的是,在字典中提到的几乎所有内容在沙特阿拉伯都是非法的。



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