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A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: From Alaska to California


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In 2011, Luiz Rocha sent a message to marine science illustrator, Val Kells, complimenting her illustrations in the newly released guide, A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: From Maine to Texas (Kells and Carpenter, 2011). Rocha had recently moved from the University of Texas Marine Science Institute to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and wondered if Kells would be willing to collaborate on a similar guide for the west coast. She agreed, and along with author Larry G. Allen, began the creation of A Field Guide to Coastal Fishes: From Alaska to California. This work describes over 157 fish families, 705 species and includes over 950 illustrations of adult fishes, juveniles and colour variants. Species included are brackish and marine fishes from the northern border of Alaska to the southern border of California. The area covered ranges from the intertidal zones to approximately 660 feet, or 200 meters. Species living in depths over 200 meters are excluded.
机译:2011年,路易斯·罗查(Luiz Rocha)向海洋科学插画家瓦尔·凯尔斯(Val Kells)发送了一封信息,称赞她的插画在新发布的《沿海鱼类实地指南:从缅因州到德克萨斯州》(凯尔斯和卡彭特,2011年)一书中。 Rocha最近从德克萨斯大学海洋科学研究所搬到了旧金山的加利福尼亚科学院,并想知道凯尔斯是否愿意就西海岸的类似指南开展合作。她同意,并与作家拉里·G·艾伦(Larry G. Allen)一起开始编写《从阿拉斯加到加利福尼亚的沿海鱼类实地指南》。该作品描述了157种鱼类,705种鱼类,并包括950多种成年鱼类,幼鱼和颜色变种的插图。从阿拉斯加北部边界到加利福尼亚南部边界的咸淡水和海水鱼类包括在内。覆盖范围从潮间带到大约660英尺(或200米)。生活在200米以上深度的物种不包括在内。



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