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A Non-Blocking Buffer Mechanism for Real-Time Event Message Communication


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It is desirable to facilitate data communications among concurrent computation threads without incurring non-essential synchronizations in real-time computing systems. An interaction mechanism, called the non-blocking writer (NBW) mechanism and invented by Kopetz, is useful in facilitating state message communication from a producer to a consumer thread in real-time applications. A more widely applicable practical interaction mechanism called the non-blocking buffer (NBB) is presented here. The NBB mechanism can be viewed as a significant extension of the NBW mechanism. The NBB mechanism facilitates communication of event messages from a producer to a consumer without causing any party to experience blocking. Therefore, its application scope includes all conceivable producer-consumer situations. The NBB mechanism is not a replacement of but rather a companion to the NBW mechanism since the latter facilitates the most efficient state message communication. The application of NBBs in building middleware supporting real-time objects is discussed as a demonstration of the utility of the NBB mechanism.
机译:希望促进并发计算线程之间的数据通信,而不会在实时计算系统中引起不必要的同步。由Kopetz发明的一种称为非阻塞编写器(NBW)机制的交互机制在促进实时应用程序中从生产者到使用者线程的状态消息通信中很有用。本文介绍了一种更广泛适用的实用交互机制,称为无阻塞缓冲区(NBB)。 NBB机制可以看作是NBW机制的重要扩展。 NBB机制促进了事件消息从生产者到消费者的通信,而不会导致任何一方受到阻塞。因此,其应用范围包括所有可能的生产者-消费者情况。 NBB机制不是NBW机制的替代品,而是NBW机制的一种伴侣,因为后者有助于最有效的状态消息通信。讨论了NBB在构建支持实时对象的中间件中的应用,以证明NBB机制的实用性。



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