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Garbage collection-aware utility accrual scheduling


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The convenience and robustness of automatic memory management have long been exploited by modern systems that use type-safe programming languages such as Java. The timeliness requirements of real-time systems, however, impose specific demands on the operational parameters of the garbage collector. The memory requirements of real-time tasks must be accommodated with a predictable impact on the time-line and under the purview of the scheduler. Utility Accrual is a method of dynamic overload scheduling that is designed to respond to overload conditions by producing a schedule that heuristically maximizes a pre-defined metric of utility. Traditionally, UA schedulers have focused primarily on CPU overload. We explore memory overload conditions in which the memory demands exceed the system's available memory bandwidth. This paper presents a utility accrual algorithm for uniprocessor CPU and garbage collection scheduling that addresses such memory overload conditions. By tightly linking CPU and memory allocation, the scheduler can appropriately respond to overload along both dimensions. This scheduler is the first of its kind to enable the use of automatic memory management in a utility accrual system. Experimental results based on actual Java application profiles indicate the benefits of our model when compared to memory-unaware scheduling.
机译:使用类型安全编程语言(例如Java)的现代系统长期以来一直在利用自动内存管理的便利性和鲁棒性。但是,实时系统的及时性要求对垃圾收集器的操作参数提出了特定要求。必须满足实时任务的内存要求,并且对时间表和时间表有可预见的影响。 Utility Accrual是一种动态过载调度的方法,旨在通过生成启发式最大化预定义效用指标的调度表来对过载情况做出响应。传统上,UA调度程序主要关注CPU超载。我们探讨了内存过载情况,其中内存需求超出了系统的可用内存带宽。本文提出了一种用于单处理器CPU和垃圾回收调度的实用程序权责发生算法,可以解决此类内存过载情况。通过紧密链接CPU和内存分配,调度程序可以在两个维度上适当地响应过载。该调度程序是同类产品中的第一个,可以在公用事业应计系统中使用自动内存管理。与不使用内存的调度相比,基于实际Java应用程序配置文件的实验结果表明了我们模型的优势。



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