首页> 外文期刊>第四紀研究 >Varved Lacustrine Sediments in Japan: Recent Progress

Varved Lacustrine Sediments in Japan: Recent Progress


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Annually laminated (varved) lacustrine sediments provide a potentially continu- ous, high-resolution records of the last glacial and Holocene paleoenvironments. In 1991-1993, long sequences of laminated lacustrine sediments were successfully taken from two lakes in southwestern Japan, Lake Suigetsu and LakeTougouike. Based on lamina counting and AMS ~14C dating, we clarified that these laminated sediments were varves. Clay mineral composition in these varved sediments would be reflected by eolian dust concentrations, transported from Chinese Loess Plateau, and by precipitations around both lakes. Also, formation of iron sulfides and carbonates in varves would be caused by cyclic changes of sea-water invasion, originated from sea-level changes. Annual to decadal oscillations of dust and iron mineral concentra- tions since the last glacial were detected in varved sequences of both lake sediments. These detailed sedimentological analysis of these sediments revealed varve chronol- ogy, process of varve formation and annual to decadal changes of sea-level and climate. Some of the climatic changes may correlate with abrupt changes (Younger Dryas and Heinrich events) observed in Greenland ice cores and marine sediments.
机译:每年叠层的(沉积的)湖相沉积物提供了最后的冰川和全新世古环境的潜在连续高分辨率记录。在1991-1993年,成功地从日本西南部的两个湖泊Suigetsu湖和Toougouike湖中成功地提取了长层的湖相沉积物。根据层数和AMS〜14C测年,我们弄清了这些叠层沉积物是脉管。从中国黄土高原运来的风尘浓度和两个湖泊周围的降水都将反映这些成脉沉积物中的粘土矿物成分。而且,由于海平面变化引起的海水入侵的周期性变化,将导致瓦尔韦斯地区硫化铁和碳酸盐的形成。自上一次冰川以来,在两个湖泊沉积物的脉动序列中都检测到了粉尘和铁矿物质浓度的年际至年代际振荡。对这些沉积物进行的详细沉积学分析显示了盖尔年代学,盖尔夫形成过程以及海平面和气候的年际至年代际变化。一些气候变化可能与格陵兰岛冰芯和海洋沉积物中的突然变化(Younger Dryas和Heinrich事件)有关。



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