首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary International >Middle Pleistocene small mammal and mollusk locality Levada (lower Dniester river basin) and its position in the Tiraspolian faunas of the Russian plain

Middle Pleistocene small mammal and mollusk locality Levada (lower Dniester river basin) and its position in the Tiraspolian faunas of the Russian plain


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The analysis of small mammal and freshwater mollusk remains from the fluvial deposits of VI terrace of Dniester R. in Levada section (Moldova, Transnistria) revealed the main characteristic of species composition and evolutionary level of these remains and permitted their placement in the stratigraphic scale of Middle Pleistocene faunas of Eastern Europe. The Levada fauna corresponds to the same stage as the fauna from the fluvial deposits of VI terrace of Dniester in stratotype of Tiraspolian faunistic complex in Kolkotova Balka section. These faunas existed between the Early Tiraspolian faunas which correlate to the second part of MIS 19 and with MIS 18, and the Late Tiraspolian (MIS 16 and MIS 15). Mimomys savini, Lagurus transiens, Microtus (Terricola) arvalidens, Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregaloides are the species most characteristic of these faunas. The Levada fauna reflects interglacial climate conditions. The faunas of this evolutionary level existed during the second part of the Iliinskian Interglacial of the Russian Plain and during the Cromer Interglacial 2 of West Europe. The freshwater mollusks from Levada section (Viviparus tiraspolitanus Pavl., V. subcrasus Lung., Lithoglyphus naticoides C. Pf. and others) reflects a warm climate close to that of the Mediterranean.
机译:来自Dniester R的VI露台的小型哺乳动物和淡水软体动物的分析。在Levada Section(摩尔多瓦,Transnistria)揭示了物种组成的主要特征和这些遗体的进化水平,并允许他们在地层规模中放置东欧中的中间人胞质动物群。 Levada Fauna对应于Kolkotova Balka Balka段的蒂拉斯沃州土德杂交综合体的Dniester的VI露台的河流储存与动物区舞台相同的舞台。这些动物园存在于早期的Tiraspolian动物群之间,与MIS 19的第二部分和MIS 18和Diaraspolian(MIS 16和MIS 15)相关联。 Mimomys Savini,Lagurus Transiens,Microtus(Terricola)Arvalidens,Lasiopodomys(Stenocranius)Gregaloides是这些动物群体最具特色的物种。 Levada Fauna反映了中间冰气候条件。在俄罗斯平原的Iliinskian界面的第二部分和西欧的Cromer中介2期间,这种进化水平的动物群存在。来自Levada部分的淡水软体动物(Viviparus tiraspolitanus pavl。,V.亚脉络肺癌。,Lithoglyphus naticoides C. PF。和其他人)反映了接近地中海的温暖气候。



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