首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary International >Palaeoseismic investigations along the Kachchh Mainland Fault: A comprehensive review and new insights of the past earthquakes in the Kachchh basin, western India

Palaeoseismic investigations along the Kachchh Mainland Fault: A comprehensive review and new insights of the past earthquakes in the Kachchh basin, western India


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The intraplate Kachchh Rift basin has been hit by several devastating earthquakes in the historic past including the 1819 Allah Bund Earthquake and the 2001 Bhuj earthquake. The source region of these earthquakes, within the basin have been studied by several workers in the last two decades to understand their potential for earthquake recurrence. However, very little information is available on the palaeoseismic and geomorphic characterization of Kachchh Mainland Fault (KMF). Therefore, in the present study, six trenches were excavated across the KMF, between Lakhpat and Nirona to understand ground deformation pattern and timing of the historic earthquakes. Based on geomorphic and palaeoseismic investigations, five palaeoearthquakes of Early to Late Holocene have been identified between 10,000-890 yrs. Apart from the Holocene, an earthquake of Late Quaternary period was also identified, which possibly occurred around 19,800 yrs BP. Fault related parameters were analyzed to understand the geometry of the active fault scarp along KMF. The results of the analyzed fault geometric parameters show that the vertical displacement along the KMF is higher than the horizontal displacement. The slip rate of the KMF from the western portion to the middle portion decreases from 0.08 to 0.04 mm/yr, and increases towards east from 0.22 mm/yr to 0.36 mm/yr. As the Kachchh district of the Gujarat state is rapidly developing in terms of infrastructural development, the outcome of this research might provide significant inputs for micro zonation studies and also in the evaluation of the seismic hazard in the Kachchh region.
机译:历史悠久的过去,历史悠久的地震陷入了历史悠久的地震,包括1819年真主的外滩地震和2001年的Bhuj地震。这些地震的源区,在盆地内已被几十年的几个工人研究过他们地震复发的潜力。然而,很少有信息可在Kachchh内地断层(KMF)的古色源性和地貌特征上。因此,在本研究中,六次沟槽在kmf之间挖掘出来,在Lakhpat和Nirona之间,了解历史地震的地面变形模式和时机。基于地貌和古典主义调查,在10,000-890年之间鉴定了五个早期全新世的五个古老基金。除全新世之外,还确定了后期第四纪时期的地震,这可能发生在19,800年的BP约19,800年。分析故障相关参数以了解KMF的主动故障围巾的几何形状。分析的故障几何参数的结果表明,沿KMF的垂直位移高于水平位移。 KMF从西部到中间部分的滑动速率从0.08升至0.04mm / yr,并从0.22mm / Yr增加到0.36mm / yr。随着古吉拉特邦的克拉赫地区在基础设施发展方面迅速发展,该研究的结果可能为微调研究提供重大投入,也可以为克拉赫地区的地震危害进行评估。



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