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Evidence of Marine Isotope Stage 5.5 highstand in Liguria (Italy) and its tectonic significance


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The Quaternary shoreline displacements in Liguria are still poorly known. This paper completely revises and reinterprets the literature on this topic, taking into account only those markers that allow precise estimates of altitude and age of sea-level highstands. Among the sites showing geomorphological evidence of MIS 5.5 present in Liguria, three were considered reliable. In Eastern Liguria a beach deposit, with a terrace inner margin at 28 m a.s.l (Villa Monteverde), was dated by OSL. In Western Liguria, in a site close to the French border (Balzi Rossi), a notch present inside two caves indicating a sea-level altitude of 12 m is associated with a deposit containing a faunal assemblage with Strombus bubonius. This gastropod appeared in the Italian Seas only during the last interglacial highstand, and provides a unique marker of the MIS 5.5 horizon. Eastward, near Imperia, another site (Madonna dell'Arma) shows similar evidence, but in this case, the notch is not preserved because the cave is carved in a very soft Oligocene conglomerate. Late Quaternary tectonic movements along the different tracts of the Ligurian coast seem to have occurred apparently with different, although rather low, uplift rates. The connection between the Alpine and Apennine chains (Sestri-Voltaggio line) divides the Ligurian arch into two parts. The Alpine sector can be considered stable, whereas the Apennine relief displays in its central part an uplift rate of 0.16 mm/yr.
机译:利古里亚的第四纪海岸线位移仍然鲜为人知。本文仅考虑那些可以精确估计海平面高海拔高度和年龄的标记,从而完全修订和重新解释了有关该主题的文献。在利古里亚存在显示MIS 5.5地貌证据的地点中,有3个被认为是可靠的。 OSL在利古里亚东部地区有一个海滩沉积物,其阶跃内边缘在a.s.l(Villa Monteverde)28 m。在利古里亚西部,在靠近法国边境(Balzi Rossi)的地点,两个洞穴内有一个缺口,表明海平面高度为12 m,这与一个沉积物有关,该沉积物包含与布氏浮游生物的动物群。这种腹足动物仅在最后一次冰期间的高潮期间才出现在意大利海中,并提供了MIS 5.5地平线的独特标志。向东,在因佩里亚附近的另一处地点(Madonna dell'Arma)也显示了类似的证据,但在这种情况下,由于该洞穴是由非常柔软的渐新世砾岩雕刻而成的,因此无法保留该凹口。沿利古里亚海岸不同地区的第四纪晚期构造运动似乎发生了不同的抬升速率,尽管幅度不大。高山和亚平宁链(塞斯特里-沃尔塔吉欧线)之间的连接将利古里亚拱分为两部分。可以认为高山部门是稳定的,而亚平宁地势在其中央部分的上升速度为0.16毫米/年。



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