首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary International >Fifty thousand years of prehistory at the cave of Abauntz (Arraitz, Navarre): A nexus point between the Ebro Valley, Aquitaine and the Cantabrian Corridor

Fifty thousand years of prehistory at the cave of Abauntz (Arraitz, Navarre): A nexus point between the Ebro Valley, Aquitaine and the Cantabrian Corridor


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The cave of Abauntz is, since the beginning of fieldwork in the 1970s, one of the major milestones of the Iberian prehistory. It has yielded thousands of first-level remains that belong to at least nine cultural periods from the Mousterian to the Late Roman period. This paper presents to the international scientific community the state of the art of our knowledge about the stratigraphy, the materials, and their interpretation in its regional context. Situated in a strategic place, the cave was used as a camp by Neanderthal groups; Solutrean, Magdalenian and Azilian hunters; Neolithic shepherds; employed for funerary purposes by Chalcolithic people; and as a hiding place by Roman citizens who feared the first Germanic invaders. Many of the remains (Vasconian cleavers, saiga bones and decorative motifs from the Middle Magdalenian, an engraved horse in a block from the Late Magdalenian) suggest strong links with the Aquitaine area, easily reachable through the passes that communicate this zone with the northern territories. In some moments (such as the Solutrean), the cave clearly acted as a nexus point between the Mediterranean-related sites of the Ebro basin and the Cantabria-Aquitania zone. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
机译:自1970年代开始实地考察以来,Abauntz洞穴是伊比利亚史前史上的主要里程碑之一。它产生了成千上万个一级遗址,这些遗址至少属于从穆斯特时代到晚罗马时期的九个文化时期。本文向国际科学界介绍了我们对地层学,材料及其在区域范围内的解释的最新知识。该洞穴位于战略要地,被尼安德特人团体用作营地。 Solutrean,Magdalenian和Azilian猎人;新石器时代的牧羊人;由石器时代的人为葬礼目的雇用;并作为害怕最早的日耳曼侵略者的罗马公民的藏身之地。许多遗迹(Vasconian砍骨刀,赛加羚羊骨头和Magdalenian中部雕花马,是Magdalenian后期的街区中的雕刻马)暗示着与阿基坦地区的紧密联系,可通过将该区域与北部地区进行沟通的通行证轻松到达。在某些时刻(例如Solutrean),该洞穴显然充当了埃布罗盆地地中海相关站点与坎塔布里亚-阿基坦尼亚地区之间的联系点。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd和INQUA。版权所有。



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