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Ungulate skeletal element profiles: A possible marker for territorial contraction and sedentism in the Levantine Epipaleolithic


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The Epipaleolithic sequence of the southern Levant (ca. 24,000-11,500 cal. BP) reflects the shift from mobile to sedentary foraging societies, eventually paving the way to nascent villages, domestication and farming. Early and middle Epipaleolithic cultures (locally, the Kebaran and the Geometric Kebaran) generally produce an archaeological signature of mobile foragers, while the late Epipaleolithic Natufian Culture is renowned for the regular and intensified appearance of durable architecture, cemeteries, groundstones and art, joined with a broad-spectrum economy, and therefore indicates a more complex and sedentary society. Epipaleolithic archaeofaunas have been thoroughly investigated to detect shifts in site-occupation intensity, including changes in prey abundances, ungulate culling patterns and carcass processing habits, but carcass transport decisions received less attention. The transition to sedentary living in the Natufian would entail the exploitation of a defined and contracted territory around the site. In this case, central-place foraging theory predicts that ungulates will be hunted in the site's proximity and hence will be carried away in a more complete form, undergoing minimal or no field butchery. Therefore, we predict that skeletal-element profiles in sedentary Natufian hamlets will be more complete than in pre-Natufian camps, used by mobile foragers. We test this prediction by constructing detailed skeletal-element profiles and examining skeletal-element evenness. The results indicate that ungulate carcasses were transported significantly more completely in the Natufian assemblages, supporting our prediction. We further zoom in to explore the differential distribution of skeletal element abundances within a Natufian hamlet, showing the discard and attrition patterns that eventually produced our skeletal-element record. The results of our analysis of skeletal-element evenness correspond to other archaeological proxies for increased site-occupation intensity and territorial contraction in the Natufian. (c) 2017 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
机译:黎凡特南部的旧石器时代序列(约BP 24,000-11,500)反映了从流动的觅食向久坐的觅食社会的转变,最终为新生的村庄,驯化和耕种铺平了道路。早期和中期的旧石器时代文化(当地为Kebaran和Geometric Kebaran)通常会产生流动觅食者的考古学特征,而晚期旧石器时代的纳图夫文化则以耐久的建筑,墓地,石子和艺术品的经常性和集约化外观而闻名,广谱经济,因此表明社会更加复杂和久坐。对旧石器时代的古猿进行了彻底的研究,以检测场地占用强度的变化,包括猎物丰度的变化,有蹄类动物的剔除模式和car体加工习惯,但car体运输决策受到的关注较少。向纳图夫人的定居生活过渡将需要在场地周围开发一个已定义的合同规定的领土。在这种情况下,中心地觅食理论预测,有蹄类动物将在该地点附近被猎杀,因此将以更完整的形式被带走,几乎没有或没有野外屠杀。因此,我们预测,久坐的纳塔夫安小村庄的骨骼元素概况将比移动牧民使用的纳塔夫安以前的营地更完整。我们通过构建详细的骨骼元素配置文件并检查骨骼元素的均匀性来测试此预测。结果表明,有蹄类屠体在Natufian组合中的转运更加明显,这支持了我们的预测。我们进一步放大以探索Natufian小村庄内骨骼元素丰度的差异分布,显示最终产生骨骼元素记录的丢弃和损耗模式。我们对骨骼元素均匀度的分析结果与其他考古学代理人有关纳图夫地区场地占用强度增加和领土收缩的情况相对应。 (c)2017年爱思唯尔有限公司和INQUA。版权所有。



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