首页> 外文期刊>Quarterly Report of RTRI >Determination of Design Seismic Motion by Considering Inland and Interplate Earthquakes

Determination of Design Seismic Motion by Considering Inland and Interplate Earthquakes


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To determine the seismic ground motion for aseismic design after the Hyogoken-Nanbu Earthquake, it is required to take into consideration the earthquakes which occur either at the boundary of intercontinent plate or at the inland faults, although the return period Of the latter for every inland fault may be longer than a thousand years. The seismic motion on bedrock with a shear wave speed over 400m/s is determined according to sta- tistical analyses of strong seismic records observed in major earthquakes which occurred both in Japan and in the United States during recent years. In order to reduce deviation of recorded ground motion in statistics, influences of surface soil and topography have been avoided according to the information of the site of observation, and all records have been adjusted with respect to either the Closest Distance to Fault or the Equivalent Hypo- central Distance by attenuation function. Regarding the site where the seismic source can not be located, seismic risk factor is employed to determine the seismic ground motion. The factor is determined by seismic risk analysis based on the data of historical earth- quakes as well as inland active faults.
机译:为了确定兵库县-南部地震后进行抗震设计的地震地面运动,需要考虑在洲际板块边界或内陆断层处发生的地震,尽管后者对每个内陆的返回期故障可能会超过一千年。根据对近年来在日本和美国发生的大地震中观察到的强地震记录的统计分析,确定了剪切波速度超过400m / s的基岩上的地震运动。为了减少统计中记录的地面运动的偏差,根据观测地点的信息避免了地表土壤和地形的影响,并且已针对“最近断层距离”或“等效低气压”对所有记录进行了调整。 -中心距衰减功能。对于无法定位地震源的地点,采用地震危险因素确定地震地震动。该因素是根据历史地震和内陆活动断层的数据通过地震风险分析确定的。



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