
The problem with sex


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It is November 29, 1911. In a hired lecture hall, the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society is holding its regular weekly meeting. As usual, Professor Freud is in the chair. He has a great deal on his mind. His movement is splitting into factions. Last month, he had to expel a group of dissidents—the followers of Alfred Adler—for placing too much emphasis on the role of biology in mental illness. The previous day, one of the most eminent psychiatrists in Europe, Eugen Bleuler, sent him a resignation letter, arguing that dogmas and expulsions were more appropriate for a cult or a political party than the advancement of science. Storm clouds are gathering too in Freud's relationship with his own chief disciple, Carl Jung.
机译:1911年11月29日。维也纳精神分析学会在一个租用的演讲厅举行例行每周例会。像往常一样,弗洛伊德教授坐在椅子上。他有很多想法。他的运动分裂为各派。上个月,他不得不驱逐一群持不同政见者-阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒(Alfred Adler)的追随者–过于强调生物学在精神疾病中的作用。前一天,欧洲最著名的精神病医生之一尤金·布鲁勒(Eugen Bleuler)给他寄了辞职信,称教条和驱逐令比邪教或政治党派更适合于邪教或政党。弗洛伊德与他自己的首席门徒卡尔·荣格(Carl Jung)的关系中,乌云也在聚集。



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