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A Comprehensive Overview of Person Re-Identification Approaches


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Person re-identification, identifying and tracking pedestrians in cross-domain monitoring systems, is an important technology in the computer vision field and of real significance for the construction of smart cities. With the development of deep learning techniques, especially convolutional neural networks, this technology has received more extensive attention and improvement in recent years and a large number of noteworthy achievements have emerged. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of person re-identification approaches to assist researchers in quickly understand this field with preference as well as to provide a more structured framework. By reviewing more than 300 re-identification related papers, the focus of these studies is summarized as information extraction, metric learning, post-processing, efficiency improvement, labeling cost reduction, and data type expansion. This classification is then organized based on different technologies, and on this basis, the pros and cons of each technology are analyzed. Moreover, this overview summarizes the difficulties and challenges of re-identification and discusses the possible research directions for reference.



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