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The Taming of the Shrew: The Hostile Divide in the Feminine Soul


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In Shakespeare's play, Baptista Minola has two daughters. Bianca is soft-spoken, sweet, unassuming, and perfectly obedient to her father. Katherine is strong-willed, her words characteristically abusive and angry, her actions often violent. Daddy's sweet, agreeable daughter has a bitter, biting shadow sister. This article explores the rupture in the feminine soul symbolized by these sisters. Kate's rage is considered a reaction to cultural values that demand the repression of instinctual feminine expression. I reflect on my personal struggle to reconcile the warring feminine aspects of my psyche, represented by Kate and Bianca. I also describe my inner encounter with the harsh patriarchal attitude that fosters this painful division in my feminine soul.
机译:在莎士比亚的戏剧中,巴普蒂斯塔·米诺拉(Baptista Minola)有两个女儿。比安卡(Bianca)口语柔和,甜美,谦逊,对父亲完全服从。凯瑟琳很坚强,她的言语带有辱骂性和生气性,她的举止常常是暴力的。爸爸的可爱,讨人喜欢的女儿有一个苦涩的影子姐姐。本文探讨了这些姐妹所象征的女性灵魂的破裂。凯特的愤怒被认为是对文化价值观的一种反应,要求压制本能的女性表达。我回想起我为调和以凯特(Kate)和比安卡(Bianca)为代表的心理上交往的女性方面而进行的个人斗争。我还以苛刻的父权制态度描述了内心的相遇,这种态度加剧了我女性灵魂中的痛苦分裂。



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