首页> 外文期刊>Psychological Bulletin >Prenatal Stress and Risk for Psychopathology: Specific Effects or Induction of General Susceptibility?

Prenatal Stress and Risk for Psychopathology: Specific Effects or Induction of General Susceptibility?


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This review focuses on prenatal stress as a risk factor for psychopathology. Evidence from animal studies is summarized, and the relevance of prenatal stress models in animals for human studies is discussed. In the offspring of prenatally stressed animals, overactivity and impaired negative feedback regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis are consistent findings and may reflect a pathophysiological mechanism involved in the development of psychopathology. Reduced activity of the opioid GABA/benzo-diazepine, serotonin, and dopamine systems and increased activity of the sympathico-adrenal system have been found as well. These alterations have been linked to a diverse spectrum of psychopathology. Therefore, the evidence supports the view that exposure to prenatal stress may result in a general susceptibility to psychopathology, rather than exerting a direct effect on a specific form of psychopathology.
机译:这篇综述着重于产前压力作为精神病理学的危险因素。总结了动物研究的证据,并讨论了动物中产前应激模型与人类研究的相关性。在产前应激动物的后代中,下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的过度活动和负反馈调节受损是一致的发现,并可能反映了心理病理学发展的病理生理机制。还发现阿片样物质GABA /苯并二氮杂,、 5-羟色胺和多巴胺系统的活性降低,交感肾上腺系统的活性增强。这些改变与精神病理学的多种多样有关。因此,证据支持这样的观点,即产前压力暴露可能导致精神病理学的普遍易感性,而不是直接影响特定形式的精神病理学。



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