首页> 外文期刊>Psychiatry >Long-Term Military Work Outcomes in Soldiers Who Become Mental Health Casualties When Deployed on Operations

Long-Term Military Work Outcomes in Soldiers Who Become Mental Health Casualties When Deployed on Operations


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Background: Little is known about longer term military work outcomes in UK military personnel who develop mental health problems when operationally deployed. Deployed Field Mental Health Teams (FMHTs) who support them follow the principles of "Forward Psychiatry," aiming to treat psychiatric casualties close to the front line to maximize operational effectiveness and occupational retention. Aim: To examine the short- and long-term military work outcomes in soldiers deployed to Iraq between 2003 and 2007 who were referred to the FMHT. Method: FMHT clinical records were linked to occupational records with 825 resulting matches. Results: 71.6% of the referred soldiers with a documented short-term military work outcome returned to their operational unit, and 73.5% of those who had a documented long-term military work outcome served on for a period in excess of two years. Adjusting for potential confounders, a shorter service length and removal from the operational theatre were both strongly associated with premature discharge; however, it was not possible to determine the severity of the presenting mental health problem and assess whether this impacted outcome. Conclusions: The results of this study support the use of the Forward Psychiatry principles in achieving good short-term military work outcomes. Utilizing these principles, three-quarters of those referred to the FMHT were returned to their deployed unit and approximately three-quarters of those assessed by the FMHT remained in service two years after referral. We suggest that these are positive work outcomes; however, being evacuated out of the operational environment and having a short service length were both associated with premature discharge, though we were unable to examine the role of illness severity. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:背景:对于在部署中会出现精神健康问题的英国军事人员,长期军事工作成果知之甚少。支持他们的已部署的现场精神卫生小组(FMHT)遵循“前瞻精神病学”的原则,旨在治疗接近第一线的精神病患者,以最大程度地提高运营效率和职业保留。目的:研究在2003年至2007年间部署到伊拉克的士兵中的短期和长期军事工作成果,这些士兵被转交给FMHT。方法:将FMHT临床记录与职业记录相链接,并得出825个匹配项。结果:71.6%的有记录的短期军事工作结果的士兵返回了他们的作战单位,73.5%的有长期的军事工作结果的士兵服役了两年以上。为适应潜在的混杂因素,较短的服务时间和从手术室撤离均与过早出院密切相关;然而,无法确定所提出的精神健康问题的严重性并评估其是否影响预后。结论:这项研究的结果支持使用正向精神病学原理来取得良好的短期军事工作成果。利用这些原则,被转交给FMHT的人员中有四分之三返回到其部署的单位,经FMHT评估的人员中有大约四分之三在转职两年后仍然服役。我们建议这些是积极的工作成果;然而,尽管我们无法检查疾病严重性的作用,但被撤离手术环境和缩短服务时间都与过早出院有关。 [出版物摘要]



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