首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Palliative Care >Distinguishing spiritual, psychological, and psychiatric issues in palliative care: Their overlap and differences

Distinguishing spiritual, psychological, and psychiatric issues in palliative care: Their overlap and differences


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It is often difficult to discern whether the suffering of a medical patient should be regarded as a spiritual, psychological, or psychiatric problem. A further challenge is to determine whether consulting a chaplain, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist will best aid the patient. We present a four-step assessment for determining which perspective and which clinician may best aid a patient: (1) distinguish whether suffering is due to a normal syndrome of distress or to a psychiatric disorder; (2) assess the potential efficacy of spiritual care, psychotherapy, or psychopharmacology for relieving distress of this type; (3) determine probable effectiveness for spiritual care, psychotherapy, or psychopharmacology given limitations of clinician availability, clinicians' clinical competencies, and the treatment setting; and (4) learn whether the patient has a strong preference for a consultant with a secular (psychiatrist, psychotherapist) or religious (chaplain, clergy) professional identity. This assessment prioritizes patient preferences in its decision making, while evaluating the clinical problem, consultants' capabilities, and treatment setting so that recommendations hold promise for effectiveness. Spirituality, psychology, and psychiatry are each richly developed traditions of healing. The aim of care should be to provide the best from each towards reducing a patient's suffering.
机译:通常很难辨别应将医疗患者的痛苦视为精神,心理还是精神病问题。进一步的挑战是确定咨询牧师,心理治疗师或精神科医生是否会最有效地帮助患者。我们提出了一个四步评估,以确定哪种观点和哪种临床医生可以最好地为患者提供帮助:(1)区分痛苦是由于正常的窘迫综合征还是精神病引起的; (2)评估精神保健,心理治疗或心理药理学减轻此类痛苦的潜在功效; (3)考虑到临床医生的可利用性,临床医生的临床能力和治疗环境的局限性,确定在精神保健,心理治疗或心理药理学方面可能的有效性; (4)了解患者是否强烈倾向于具有世俗(精神科医生,心理治疗师)或宗教(牧师,神职人员)专业身份的顾问。该评估在决策时会优先考虑患者的偏爱,同时评估临床问题,顾问的能力和治疗环境,从而使建议具有有效性。灵性,心理学和精神病学都是治疗的丰富传统。护理的目的应该是从各个方面提供最大的帮助,以减少患者的痛苦。



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