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Food webs and carbon flux in the Barents Sea




Within the framework of the physical forcing, we describe and quantify the key ecosystem components and basic food web structure of the Barents Sea. Emphasis is given to the energy flow through the ecosystem from an end-to-end perspective, i.e. from bacteria, through phytoplankton and zooplankton to fish, mammals and birds. Primary production in the Barents is on average 93 g cm~(-2)y~(-1), but interannually highly variable (±19%), responding to climate variability and change (e.g. variations in Atlantic Water inflow, the position of the ice edge and low-pressure pathways). The traditional focus upon large phytoplankton cells in polar regions seems less adequate in the Barents, as the cell carbon in the pelagic is most often dominated by small cells that are entangled in an efficient microbial loop that appears to be well coupled to the grazing food web. Primary production in the ice-covered waters of the Barents is clearly dominated by planktonic algae and the supply of ice biota by local production or advection is small. The pelagic-benthic coupling is strong, in particular in the marginal ice zone. In total 80% of the harvestable production is channelled through the deep-water communities and benthos. 19% of the harvestable production is grazed by the dominating copepods Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis in Atlantic or Arctic Water, respectively. These two species, in addition to capelin (Mallotus villosus) and herring (Clupea harengus), are the keystone organisms in the Barents that create the basis for the rich assemblage of higher trophic level organisms, facilitating one of the worlds largest fisheries (capelin, cod, shrimps, seals and whales). Less than 1% of the harvestable production is channelled through the most dominating higher trophic levels such as cod, harp seals, minke whales and sea birds. Atlantic cod, seals, whales, birds and man compete for harvestable energy with similar shares. Climate variability and change, differences in recruitment, variable resource availability, harvesting restrictions and management schemes will influence the resource exploitation between these competitors, that basically depend upon the efficient energy transfer from primary production to highly successful, lipid-rich zooplankton and pelagic fishes.
机译:在物理强迫的框架内,我们描述和量化了巴伦支海的关键生态系统组成部分和基本食物网结构。从端到端的角度着眼于通过生态系统的能量流,即从细菌,浮游植物和浮游动物到鱼类,哺乳动物和鸟类的能量流。巴伦支的初级生产平均为93 g cm〜(-2)y〜(-1),但年际变化很大(±19%),响应气候变化和变化(例如大西洋水流入量的变化,冰边缘和低压通道)。在巴伦支地区,对北极地区大型浮游植物细胞的传统关注似乎不足,因为中上层的细胞碳最常被纠缠在高效微生物环中的小细胞所占据,这些微生物环似乎与放牧食物网良好耦合。巴伦支被冰覆盖的水域的初级生产明显以浮游藻类为主,而本地生产或对流提供的冰生物群供应很少。中上底耦合很强,特别是在边缘冰区。总共80%的可收获产品通过深水社区和底栖生物输送。大西洋或北极水域中主要的co足类Calaus finmarchicus和C. glacialis分别放牧了19%的可收获产品。除了毛鳞鱼(Mallotus villosus)和鲱鱼(Clupea harengus)以外,这两个物种都是巴伦支的主要生物,为较高营养级生物的丰富组合奠定了基础,为世界上最大的渔业之一提供了便利(毛鳞鱼,鳕鱼,虾,海豹和鲸鱼)。只有最主要的较高营养水平(如鳕鱼,竖琴海豹,小须鲸和海鸟)引导不到可收获产品的1%。大西洋鳕,海豹,鲸鱼,鸟类和人类以相似的份额竞争可采能源。气候多变性和变化,招聘差异,可变资源可用性,捕捞限制和管理方案将影响这些竞争者之间的资源开发,这基本上取决于从初级生产到高度成功的,富含脂质的浮游动物和远洋鱼类的有效能量转移。



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