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Regulatory-based development processes for software security in nuclear safety systems


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Historically, nuclear computer-based safety systems are operated in isolated environments. They have long been considered immune to cyber (or malicious) attacks for the past decade. Unfortunately, both academic research and practical experience have indicated that this is misplaced confidence. The move to using software and digital products such as pre-developed software, Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products, and open standards such as Ethernet and TCP/IP allows malicious insiders and unintended virus writers to take advantage of the ignorance in the industry. The result is a growing number of security incidents that affect the safety of nuclear power plants and the progress of nuclear-related industries. Facing the new security crisis, the nuclear regulator issued the new security regulation for the specific features of nuclear computer-based systems in 2006. Therefore, nowadays, it is a great challenge for nuclear developers to comply with regulatory security requirements. In this article, we propose platform-independent development processes, which merge with existing software project management. In addition, UML notations are adopted to describe security processes, which are intended to enhance the communication between regulators and developers.
机译:历史上,基于核计算机的安全系统在隔离的环境中运行。在过去的十年中,人们长期以来一直认为它们不受网络(或恶意)攻击的影响。不幸的是,学术研究和实践经验均表明这是放错了位置的信心。使用软件和数字产品(例如预开发的软件,商用现货(COTS)产品)和开放标准(例如以太网和TCP / IP)的转变使恶意内部人员和意料之外的病毒编写者可以利用行业。结果是,越来越多的安全事件影响了核电厂的安全以及核相关产业的发展。面对新的安全危机,核监管机构于2006年针对基于核计算机系统的特定功能发布了新的安全法规。因此,如今,核开发商要遵守监管安全要求是一个巨大的挑战。在本文中,我们提出了独立于平台的开发过程,该过程与现有软件项目管理合并。另外,采用UML表示法来描述安全性过程,旨在加强监管者与开发者之间的通信。



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