首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Nuclear Energy >Assessment of a hybrid system that uses small modular reactors (SMRs) to back up intermittent renewables and desalinate water

Assessment of a hybrid system that uses small modular reactors (SMRs) to back up intermittent renewables and desalinate water


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Because water is easier to store in substantial quantity than electricity, this paper examines the possibility that a U.S. domestic market for factory-manufactured small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) might be developed to use the constant output of an SMR to perform water desalination when wind or solar power are producing high output and generate electricity for the grid when wind or solar power output is low. In the first part of the paper, we compare powering desalination systems with electricity from SMRs and from natural gas plants that are equipped with a system that performs carbon capture and geological sequestration (NG CCS). We show that mass-produced SMRs could have costs that are comparable to, but probably somewhat higher than those of systems based on NG CCS. We find that the cost of CO2 emissions would have to rise to roughly 200 $/ton for the SMR solution to be clearly dominant. In the second part of the paper, we examine the uneven water supply situation across the U.S, focusing on the southwestern and western regions, and conclude that over the next several decades serious shortages are likely to develop only in a few local markets, such as West Texas and the Monterey Peninsula. Even if factory mass production of SMR's were more successful in reducing costs than experts have estimated, and costs could be reduced to that of NG CCS systems, the commercial risks and siting difficulties likely to accompany SMRs would probably preclude their wide adoption in the U.S. over the next few decades. Globally there are regions where a significant market for desalination supported by nuclear power might develop. However, aggressive changes in U.S. regulatory and export policy will be needed if U.S. SMR manufacturers are to play a role in those or similar markets in the face of aggressive Chinese, South Korean, and Russian programs of reactor exports.
机译:因为水比电更容易存储,所以本文探讨了美国国内工厂制造的小型模块化核反应堆(SMR)的市场可能会发展为利用SMR的恒定输出在风中进行海水淡化的可能性或太阳能发电产生高输出,而当风能或太阳能发电输出低时,则为电网发电。在本文的第一部分中,我们将海水淡化系统与SMR和天然气电厂的电力进行了比较,这些电厂配备了执行碳捕获和地质封存(NG CCS)的系统。我们表明,批量生产的SMR的成本可以与基于NG CCS的系统相媲美,但可能略高一些。我们发现,要使SMR解决方案明显占主导地位,CO2排放成本将必须升至约200美元/吨。在本文的第二部分,我们考察了美国西南部和西部地区的供水不平衡状况,并得出结论,在接下来的几十年中,严重的短缺可能只会在少数几个本地市场出现,例如西德克萨斯州和蒙特雷半岛。即使SMR的工厂批量生产在降低成本方面比专家估计的成功得多,并且成本可以降低到NG CCS系统,但SMR可能伴随的商业风险和选址困难可能会阻止它们在美国的广泛采用。接下来的几十年。在全球范围内,可能会开发出由核电支持的重要的海水淡化市场。但是,如果面对中国,韩国和俄罗斯积极的反应堆出口计划,美国SMR制造商要在那些或类似市场中发挥作用,就需要对美国监管和出口政策进行大刀阔斧的改变。



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