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The Doctors' Plague


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A good story will trump statistics every time. "She felt lucky in at least this one thing-it was a Sunday...." That is the beginning of a story that piques curiosity. This book could have opened with, "In that year, 1847, one of every six mothers delivered in the First Division of the Allgemeine Krankenhaus was dying of childbed fever." That would be much less effective as a hook. Nuland knew very well that opening with statistics would not engage readers with his book. Instead Nuland starts with a young girl's story and finishes with Semmelweis's story. Now you know the book opens with one tragedy and (I'll spoil the ending) ends with another. The progression through the death of one girl and her tragedy tells only half of the relevant story for the loss control practitioner. The other half is the failure of Semmelweis's discovery to be accepted by the contemporary medical profession. Semmelweis's tragedy was due to his failure to publish his results, combined with some of his own personal peculiarities, accident of birth and funny accent, as well as other "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune."
机译:一个好的故事每次都会压倒统计数据。 “她至少在这一件事上感到很幸运-那是一个星期天...。”这是一个引起好奇心的故事的开始。这本书的开头可能是:“在1847年那一年,在Allgemeine Krankenhaus第一分部分娩的每6名母亲中就有一名死于儿童发烧。”作为钩子,这将远没有效果。纽兰德非常清楚,开放统计资料不会吸引读者阅读他的书。相反,Nuland从一个年轻女孩的故事开始,到以Semmelweis的故事结束。现在您知道这本书以一个悲剧开头,(我会破坏结尾)以另一个悲剧结尾。一个女孩的死亡及其悲剧的发展过程,只说明了损失控制从业人员有关故事的一半。另一半是Semmelweis的发现未能被当代医学界接受。塞梅尔维斯的悲剧归因于他未能公布自己的结果,再加上他个人的一些特殊性,出生事故和有趣的口音,以及其他“不幸的命运”。



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