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The human element: safety lessons from other domains


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No one actively involved in the maritime industry would deny the continued relevance of Joseph Conrad's observation in Mirror of the Sea that the "sea never has been friendly to man ... Its fickleness is to be held true to man's purposes only by an undaunted resolution and by a sleepless, armed, jealous vigilance." Despite this awareness and many technological advances, we continue to experience significant maritime casualties. Recent examples include the sinkings of the ferry al-Salaam Boccaccio 98 in the Red Sea with more than 900 fatalities and the cruise ship Sea Diamond off the Greek island of Santorini, the strandings of APL Panama on the Pacific Coast of Mexico and the British Columbia ferry Queen of the North, structural compromise of the containership MSC Napoli in the English Channel and the catastrophic fire on Hyundai Fortune in the Gulf of Aden, to name but a few.
机译:没有人积极参与海运业,不会否认约瑟夫·康拉德在《海洋镜》中的观察与“海洋从来没有对人类友好的……”的反复无常有关,只有通过不屈不挠的决议才能使它的善变符合人类的目的。和不眠不休的武装嫉妒的警惕。”尽管有了这种认识并取得了许多技术进步,我们仍然经历着重大的海上人员伤亡。最近的例子包括在900多人遇难的红海沉没的al-Salaam Boccaccio 98渡轮和希腊圣托里尼岛附近的Sea Diamond游轮,APL巴拿马在墨西哥太平洋海岸和不列颠哥伦比亚省的搁浅北方皇后轮渡,英吉利海峡的MSC那不勒斯号货柜船的结构妥协和亚丁湾现代财富的大火,仅举几例。



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