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Scanning our past: Electrical Engineering Hall of Fame: Michael I. Pupin

机译:回顾我们的过去:电气工程名人堂:Michael I. Pupin

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In 1924, the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) selected Michael I. Pupin as the seventh recipient of its Medal of Honor. He was cited for his "fundamental contributions in the field of electrical tuning and the rectification of alternating currents used for signaling purposes". An influential electrical engineering educator and inventor, he had served as the president of the IRE in 1917 and had received the Edison Medal from the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) in 1920. He also received the Pulitzer Prize in 1924 for his autobiography entitled From Immigrant to Inventor and served as president of the AIEE in 1925. His pioneering work on the so-called loading coil used in telephony brought him considerable fame and financial rewards. He was a mentor of such well-known pioneers in radioelectronics as Alfred N. Goldsmith and Edwin H. Armstrong.
机译:1924年,无线电工程师协会(IRE)选择迈克尔·普潘(Michael I. Pupin)作为荣誉勋章的第七位获得者。他因“在电子调谐和用于信号传输的交流电的整流领域中的基础性贡献”而受到赞誉。他是一位有影响力的电气工程教育家和发明家,曾于1917年担任IRE的总裁,并于1920年获得了美国电气工程师学会(AIEE)的爱迪生奖章。他还因其自传而获得1924年的普利策奖。从移民到发明家,并于1925年担任AIEE总裁。他在电话中所谓的负载线圈方面的开拓性工作为他带来了可观的名望和金钱回报。他曾是阿尔弗雷德·N·戈德史密斯和埃德温·H·阿姆斯特朗等无线电电子领域知名先驱的导师。



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