首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences >Descriptions of Seven New Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) with a Key to the Species of Myanmar (Burma)

Descriptions of Seven New Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) with a Key to the Species of Myanmar (Burma)


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Seven new species of the gekkonid lizard genus Cyrtodactylus are described on the basis of material collected by the Myanmar Herpetological Survey. These include four small to moderately sized species with relatively short digits and three larger species with long, slender digits. Among the smaller forms two are allied to C. khasiensis; one from the Ayeyarwady delta and adjacent lowlands, the other from higher elevations in the Chin Hills. The remaining small species, from Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park (Sagaing Division) and Rakhine Yoma Elephant Range (Rakhine State) are probably most closely allied to C. consobrinoides. The large-bodied forms include the apparent sister species of C. slowinskii, from far northwestern Myanmar, and two other, distinctive species from Mon State and Shan State, respectively. A dichotomous key to the sixteen species of Cyrtodactylus known from Myanmar is presented. The discovery of seven new species of the genus suggests that each hill range, as well as isolated peaks, may be expected to harbor endemic species of geckos. The collections of the Myanmar Herpetological Survey in areas to the west of the Ayeyarwady River complement historical collections derived chiefly from areas to the south (the former Lower Burma) and to the west of the central arid zone.
机译:根据缅甸爬行动物学调查收集的材料,描述了七种蜥蜴科蜥蜴科新奇种。这些物种包括具有相对较短数字的四个小型到中型物种,以及具有细长数字的三个较大的物种。在较小的形式中,有两个与卡西梭菌有关。一个来自伊洛瓦底江三角洲和邻近的低地,另一个来自钦山的高海拔地区。来自Alaungdaw Kathapa国家公园(实皆省)和Rakhine Yoma Elephant Range(若开邦)的其余小物种可能与consobrinoides紧密相关。浓郁的体型包括来自缅甸西北部的明显的C. slowinskii姊妹物种,以及分别来自孟邦和Shan邦的另外两个独特物种。提出了从缅甸已知的十六种触角蟹的二分法钥匙。七个新属的发现表明,每个山丘区域以及孤立的山峰都有望容纳壁虎的特有物种。在伊洛瓦底江以西的地区进行的缅甸爬虫调查所收集的资料补充了主要来自南部(原下缅甸)和中部干旱区以西地区的历史资料。



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