首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Increased hypothalamic GPR54 signaling: a potential mechanism for initiation of puberty in primates.

Increased hypothalamic GPR54 signaling: a potential mechanism for initiation of puberty in primates.


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To further study the role of GPR54 signaling in the onset of primate puberty, we used the monkey to examine the ability of kisspeptin-10 to elicit the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) precociously, and we describe the expression of GPR54 and KiSS-1 in the hypothalamus during the peripubertal period. Agonadal juvenile male monkeys were implanted with a lateral cerebroventricular cannula and a jugular vein catheter. The responsiveness of the juvenile pituitary to endogenous GnRH release was heightened with a chronic pulsatile i.v. infusion of synthetic GnRH before kisspeptin-10 (112-121) injection. Intracerebroventricular (30 microg or 100 microg) or i.v. (100 microg) bolus injections of kisspeptin-10 elicited a robust GnRH discharge, as reflected by luteinizing hormone secretion, which was abolished by pretreatment with a GnRH-receptor antagonist. RNA was isolated from the hypothalamus of agonadal males before (juvenile) and after (pubertal) the pubertal resurgence of pulsatile GnRH release and from juvenile, early pubertal, and midpubertal ovary-intact females. KiSS-1 mRNA levels detected by real-time PCR increased with puberty in both male and female monkeys. In intact females, but not in agonadal males, GPR54 mRNA levels in the hypothalamus increased approximately 3-fold from the juvenile to midpubertal stage. Hybridization histochemistry indicated robust KiSS-1 and GPR54 mRNA expression in the region of the arcuate nucleus. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that GPR54 signaling by its cognate ligand in the primate hypothalamus may be activated at the end of the juvenile phase of development and may contribute to the pubertal resurgence of pulsatile GnRH release, the central drive for puberty.
机译:为了进一步研究GPR54信号在灵长类动物青春期发作中的作用,我们使用了猴子来检查kisseptin-10促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)释放的能力,并描述了GPR54和KiSS的表达。青春期下丘脑中的-1。 Agonadal幼小雄性猴子植入了侧脑室套管和颈静脉导管。慢性搏动性静脉内麻醉提高了垂体对内源性GnRH释放的反应性。在kisspeptin-10(112-121)注射之前输注合成GnRH。脑室内(30微克或100微克)或静脉(100微克)大剂量注射kisseptin-10引起了强烈的GnRH放电,这由黄体激素分泌所反映,而黄体激素分泌被GnRH受体拮抗剂预处理所废除。从搏动性GnRH释放的青春期回潮之前(少年)和青春期后(青春期)的男性下丘脑分离出RNA,并从未成年,青春期早期和青春期卵巢完整的雌性中分离RNA。通过实时PCR检测到的KiSS-1 mRNA水平在雄性和雌性猴子中均随着青春期的增加而增加。在完整的雌性中,但在性腺同性的雄性中则没有,从幼年期到青春期中期,下丘脑中的GPR54 mRNA水平增加约3倍。杂交组织化学表明在弓形核区域中健壮的KiSS-1和GPR54 mRNA表达。这些发现与这样的假说相符:GPR54信号通过其灵长类下丘脑中的同源配体可能在发育的幼年期结束时被激活,并可能有助于青春期脉冲性GnRH释放的青春期复活。



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