首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Impact of behavior on central and peripheral circadian clocks in the common vole Microtus arvalis, a mammal with ultradian rhythms

Impact of behavior on central and peripheral circadian clocks in the common vole Microtus arvalis, a mammal with ultradian rhythms

机译:行为对田鼠Microtus arvalis(具有超律性节奏的哺乳动物)的中央和外围生物钟的影响

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In most mammals, daily rhythms in physiology are driven by a circadian timing system composed of a master pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and peripheral oscillators in most body cells. The SCN clock, which is phase-entrained by light-dark cycles, is thought to synchronize subsidiary oscillators in peripheral tissues, mainly by driving cyclic feeding behavior. Here, we examined the expression of circadian clock genes in the SCN and the liver of the common vole Microtus arvalis. a rodent with ultradian activity and feeding rhythms. In these animals, clock-gene mRNAs accumulate with high circadian amplitudes in the SCN but are present at nearly constant levels in the liver. Interestingly, high-amplitude circadian liver gene expression can be elicited by subjecting voles to a circadian feeding regimen. Moreover, voles with access to a running wheel display a composite pattern of circadian and ultradian behavior, which correlates with low-amplitude circadian gene expression in the liver. Our data indicate that, in M. arvalis, the amplitude of circadian liver gene expression depends on the contribution of circadian and ultradian components in activity and feeding rhythms.
机译:在大多数哺乳动物中,生理生理的日常节奏是由昼夜节律系统驱动的,该节律系统由视交叉上核(SCN)中的主起搏器和大多数人体细胞中的外围振荡器组成。 SCN时钟,由明暗周期相位夹带,被认为主要通过驱动周期性进给行为来同步外围组织中的辅助振荡器。在这里,我们检查了SCN和普通田鼠田鼠肝脏中昼夜节律基因的表达。具有超活动性和进食节奏的啮齿动物。在这些动物中,时钟基因mRNA在SCN中以较高的昼夜节律幅度积累,但在肝脏中以几乎恒定的水平存在。有趣的是,可以通过使田鼠接受昼夜节食方案来引起高振幅昼夜节律肝脏基因表达。此外,可接近跑轮的田鼠显示出昼夜节律和超昼夜行为的复合模式,这与肝脏中低振幅的昼夜节律基因表达有关。我们的数据表明,在冠脉分枝杆菌中,昼夜节律肝脏基因表达的幅度取决于昼夜节律和超昼夜成分在活动和进食节奏中的作用。



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