
The nine lives of Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. (1920-2007)

机译:小丹尼尔·E·科什兰(Daniel E.Koshland)的九人生(1920-2007)

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The scientific world lost a friend and pioneer with the passing of Dan Koshland on July 23rd of this year. Dan's singular contributions have left an indelible mark on those who had the pleasure of his company. In rough chronological order, he started as an inorganic chemist, then became an organic chemist, a biochemist, a professor, a department chair, the Editor-in-Chief of PNAS and then of Science, the czar of life sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, and in the last 10 years of his life, a benefactor and elder statesman. His model of science and service has inspired generations of young scholars.
机译:随着今年7月23日丹·科什兰(Dan Koshland)的逝世,科学界失去了一位朋友和先驱。丹的特殊贡献给那些乐于陪伴他的人留下了不可磨灭的印记。按时间先后顺序排列,他最初是一名无机化学家,后来成为有机化学家,生物化学家,教授,系主任,PNAS的总编辑,然后是科学大学(生命科学的沙皇)。加利福尼亚州伯克利市,在他生命的最后10年中,是一位恩人和老年政治家。他的科学和服务模式启发了几代年轻学者。



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