
Shifting replication between IInd, IIIrd, and IVth gears


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We used to think cells could get by with just a few DNA polymerases. One processive polymerase in Escherichia coli [polymerase III (Pol III)] was needed to make the long trip around the genome, and another one (Pol I) was needed to replace Okazaki fragment primers or damaged nucleo-tides. This view changed radically after 2 seminal studies by Nelson, Lawrence, and Hinkle (1, 2) in which 2 yeast enzymes, Revl and Rev3-Rev7, were found to incorporate nucleosides or polymerize past template sites with missing or damaged bases. These new polymerases helped to explain a rich history of mutational phenomena and led to the realization that organisms have several of these specialized DNA polymerases; E. coli has 3 (Pol II, Pol IV, and Pol V). Yeast have 5. Humans have >10. Each appears specialized for polymerization through different structural classes of DNA damage (3). Although there is no shortage of polymerases from which to choose, the question of how and when they act in the cell has proved difficult to answer.
机译:我们曾经认为细胞仅需少量的DNA聚合酶即可通过。需要一种在大肠杆菌中的过程性聚合酶[聚合酶III(Pol III)]进行基因组的长途旅行,另外一种(Pol I)则需要替代Okazaki片段引物或受损的核苷酸。经过Nelson,Lawrence和Hinkle的2项开创性研究后,这种观点发生了根本性变化(1、2),其中发现2种酵母酶Rev1和Rev3-Rev7掺入了核苷或聚合了碱基缺失或受损的模板位置。这些新的聚合酶有助于解释突变现象的丰富历史,并导致人们认识到生物体中有几种专门的DNA聚合酶。大肠杆菌有3种(Pol II,Pol IV和Pol V)。酵母有5个。人类有10个以上。每种似乎都专门针对通过DNA损伤的不同结构类别进行聚合(3)。尽管不乏可供选择的聚合酶,但事实证明,它们如何以及何时在细胞中起作用的问题很难回答。



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