首页> 外文期刊>日本建築学会環境系論文集 >火災統計資料に基づく延焼火災の特性: 全国の延焼火災の傾向及び政令指定都市と東京23区の延焼火災件数と焼損床面積の分析

火災統計資料に基づく延焼火災の特性: 全国の延焼火災の傾向及び政令指定都市と東京23区の延焼火災件数と焼損床面積の分析


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本稿は,火災統計資料に基づき,延焼火災について火災件数と焼損床面積を指標に分析を行った.以下に分析により得られた結果を記述する.まず,全国の火災については以下の通りである.1. 出火月に関して,全ての建物火災の火災件数と延焼火災のみの火災件数には強い相関がある.%About 60,000 fires occur per year in Japan. Of them, over 30,000 cases were building fires. And burnout floor area is about 1,500,000 m~2 per year. It is preferable to decrease the number and scale of fires. The purpose of this study is to analyze the behavior of fire and its spread. To analyze them, we used fire statistics which is available to the public. At the beginning, the object region was the whole of Japan. The second object is Government-decreed cities and Tokyo's 23 wards. We analyzed the rate which is the fire spread and non-fire spread. Next the research was the correlation between the burnout floor area of the fire origin building and the burnout floor area of buildings damaged by fire spread. The result shows that the Fire spreading is not a special thing as the side of the month. The burnout floor area increases as the number of burnt buildings increases. It is different from each region that the calculation guidelines about burnout floor area. There is poor correlation between the burnout floor area of the origin building and the burnout floor area of damaged buildings.
机译:在本文中,基于火灾统计数据,我们分析了火灾次数和蔓延火灾的燃烧地板面积。通过分析获得的结果描述如下。首先,以下是全国大火的描述。 1.关于火灾月份,所有建筑物火灾的火灾次数与仅蔓延的火灾次数之间有很强的相关性。 %日本每年发生6万起火灾,其中建筑物火灾超过30,000起,每年的燃耗建筑面积约为1,500,000 m〜2,因此,最好减少火灾的数量和规模。为了进行分析,我们使用了可供公众使用的火灾统计数据。一开始,目标区域是整个日本,第二个目标是政府控制的城市和东京的23个病房,我们分析了火灾蔓延和非火灾蔓延的比率,接下来的研究是火灾起源建筑物的倦怠地板面积与火灾蔓延损坏的建筑物的倦怠地板面积之间的相关性。火势蔓延并不是每个月的特殊情况,随着建筑面积的增加,建筑枯竭的面积也随之增加,有关建筑枯竭的面积的计算准则与每个地区不同,相关性很差。 n在原始建筑物的倦怠楼面面积与损坏建筑物的倦怠楼面面积之间。



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