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The push toward globalization, combined with the proliferation of commercial and consumer products containing Ics, has led to rapid semiconductor business growth in Asia. Ics specifically produced for military applications make up a small percent of the total market, ranging from 0.1 to 1%. Due to low-volume requirements, the military is not capable of meaningful influence, resulting in a larger disparity between commercial and military requirements. Most IC fabrication and considerable intellectual property design is performed overseas, while domestic, trusted foundry options are often two to three process nodes (three to eight years) behind state-of-the-art (SOTA), with 50% higher cost. To take advantage of SOTA technologies, US military systems are forced to utilize commercially available supply chains. Offshore design, production, and independent distribution of Ics provide adversarial opportunity for malicious insertion and component counterfeiting, motivated by strategic objectives or economic gain. To combat this, while maintaining access to SOTA technologies, the US military must develop an approach to minimize platform and infrastructure risk, enabling cutting-edge capability to be delivered to the war fighter. Data-driven assurance methods provide an opportunity to deliver such capability, along with an understanding of associated risk. (SMTA Symposium on Counterfeit Parts and Materials, August 2020).
机译:全球化的推动与含有ICS的商业和消费产品的扩散相结合,导致亚洲的快速半导体业务增长。专门为军事应用制作的IC占总市场的百分之余量,范围为0.1〜1%。由于低批量要求,军方无法有意义的影响,导致商业和军事要求之间的差异较大。大多数IC制造和相当大的知识产权设计在海外进行,而国内,可信赖的铸造选项通常是最先进(SOTA)的两到三到三年)(三到八年),成本较高50%。为了利用Sota Technologies,美国军事系统被迫使用市售的供应链。 IC的海上设计,生产和独立分布为恶意插入和部件假冒的侵犯机会提供了对抗性的机会,受到战略目标或经济利益的激励。为了打击这一点,同时保持对SOTA技术的访问,美国军方必须制定一种方法来最大限度地减少平台和基础设施风险,从而使尖端能力能够送到战争战斗机。数据驱动的保证方法提供了提供此类能力的机会,以及了解相关风险。 (SMTA伪造零件和材料研讨会,2020年8月)。



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